A bit of a preface: sorry if the pics in this post suck. They’re all iPhone photos. If you think I’m a terrible blogger cause I didn’t take the DSLR…… you’re probably right.
The last day of our trip was Sunday. Our goal was to pack up, check out of the hotel and find a place to have an amazing brunch (side note: we are totally brunch obsessed, just hearing the word brunch makes us visibly salivate).
The place we landed was Tasty N Sons. The wait when we got there was about an hour and a half, so we decided to explore the shops a bit (and boy are we glad we did).
The first place we stopped into was ink & peat.
We knew we’d love the store from the moment we walked by it. It’s filled with an amazingly well curated stock of home goods in the front and a flower shop at the back (Amber’s dream shop).
They carry a lot of brands we know and love (ie DwellStudios, Rifle Paper Co), but also had quite a bit we were not familiar with.
The staff was incredibly friendly and if only we didn’t have to justify suitcase space for every purchase, we’d have loved to buy a lot more. If you’re ever in the area, check them out. If you don’t make it that way much (we realize our readership is mainly N. Texas focused), check out their website and their blog for some great design ideas and inspiration.
The next place on the block that we ended up was Lark Press.
It’s a small shop filled with all kinds of amazing paper goods.
Letterpress art, cards, home goods, wrapping paper…you name it.
The selection was fantastic….and their letterpress machines were in the open behind the counter. Super Cool!
The last place we hit before brunch was Queen Bee.
They had a really cool selection of tea towels hanging in their window.
The rest of the store is filled with handmade wallets, bags, pillows, etc. The lady working was sewing some new products while we were shopping. Gotta love that!
So that was our shopping excursion while we waited for brunch. If you’re in portland, we can’t recommend this area enough. So how was the brunch, you might ask?
Can you say chocolate potatoe doughnuts with creme anglaise? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. The whole meal blew our doors off (in a good way). The rest of the meal can be perused in Nick’s instagram. The morning pretty much cemented our love affair with the city as a whole.
During the meal, we found out that our flight was delayed, but even that couldn’t ruin the mood of the amazing day we were having. We decided to make the best of it, more on that tomorrow…..

Hmmmm… Wonder why I didn’t get one of those cute tea towels! Just saying. Oh, but thank you for the wonderful pancake mix and goodies.