Pretty risky title for a post about styling the mantel in our master bedroom. Who says home decor isn’t sexy? It totally is friends.
This project is brought to you by a mix of dude get on it already and the pinterest challenge. We tried to focus on Pinterest projects that we could take with us since tackling huge projects just doesn’t make sense if we move. Who knows where we will wind up and what the next house will need.
via Emily Henderson
Emily Henderson has a great video on styling a mantel. Go watch it. She gives 3 different approaches to styling a mantel, but the above picture was my favorite. I decided I would try to recreate it in on our master mantel.
I know you recognize our Giant movie poster and dog needlepoint from here. The rest of the stuff up there was just sitting around the house/garage. It isn’t as complete as Emily’s, but it provides a good base for additional styling as I find pieces.
Our mantle is very shallow (especially in comparison to the one in the living room). Luckily I had a few small books. Yes that book is called More Boners. It’s by Dr. Seuss. Even more appropriate for this saucy post.
Nick bought the robot in Portland specifically so he could put him under a dome. It’s quirky and sculptural. We do have a Kennedy bust that I thought about using, but I liked the robot more.
I pulled these fake flowers from the garage. I bought them from Pottery Barn years ago. I know real flowers are better, but I also know I won’t keep up with them. I figure when it matters I can always spring for real ones.
Ta-da a styled (ish) mantel. It makes the sitting area in the master look more complete even though there is only a chair and our dresser there. A fireplace in the master is pretty ritzy, so we might as well exploit it for potential buyers.
You can check out our past pinterest projects.
Airplane Costume // Ombre Dresser
Vintage Art Modification // Gallery Wall
Of course go check out Sarah, Katie, Sherry, and Carmel’s projects and all the lovely link ups!

Your mantle looks great, and I’m totally coveting your Giant poster. Best. Movie. Ever. I also love the robot under glass (heh) and the dog sketch is to cute!
Thanks Tracie! We figured we had to get the Giant poster since we have been longing to go to Marfa (where it was filmed). Thanks for stopping by!
AHHH! We started doing the same thing on our mantel and were trying to find a tin robot to put under our last bell jar. Maybe my next blog entry will be our mantle as well!
Robot under a dome – totally Cecile! Go to one of those hippie toy stores. You’ll find something classy/vintage-y there. Those hippies always got your trendy toys covered. Seriously loved your Halloween costume. You totally nailed it!
Right now we have sumo wrestlers and that monkey from that Steven King book Monkey Shine under two bell jars. We thought robot would finish it off nicely. The costumes took way WAY too long to finish but people really appreciated it so I’m glad we did it
Okay now your next post has to be about the mantel!! You will look back and think I’m so glad I wore that body suit for Halloween 2012. I looked so hot! 😉 That’s what you will take away from the hours you spent making it. Also it’s a genius idea.
Great job on the costumes! Wearing them was really ballsy (pun intended).
I just snorted.. who lied to you and told you that was Dr. Seuss?! Haha; And I’m LOVING the pup needlepoint, can’t wait to see the new space ahead!
It IS Dr. Seuss!!!
I know my Seuss! I’m loving our little doggie too. Totally worth the $18 despite my initial hesitation. We can’t wait to see the new space whatever it may be, but we really can’t wait to figure out when all this business will go down.
Your mantle looks great Amber! I am totally with you on the flowers, and the ones you have look really good
Thanks! It still needs more stuff, but it’s a big improvement.
I love your eccentric mantel! Seriously, who puts a robot in a glass container? Love it.
Short answer is my husband. He is totally the one to seek out a toy robot to put under a dome.
Looks great! I love the robot too – and the fact that it was purchased specifically to get domed.
Thanks for stopping by my post earlier!
Thanks! Yes we are totally weird around here, but just wait I bet robots under domes is the new ombre. Okay probably not, but we are having fun with it anyway!
Your mantle looks great! I think fireplaces in bedrooms are wonderful too (just no robot, nope). You’ve done a beautiful job with yours!
Thanks Heather! I’ve never used a fireplace in my life, but they do make a room feel fancier.