1. Give handmade gifts.
We had 3 birthdays this month, so congratulations to myself for keeping the goal this month.
- Bow tie for a toddler made with this Prudent Baby tutorial (I made the double fold bow tie). Unfortunately I had to modify the tutorial a bit because I could not find a set of bow tie accessories. I just used velcro instead. It worked, but still not as cool as a clip and slider.
- Go Green tote with a hand painted heart on a reusable Muji bag. I filled it with several different eCloths. It’s for my mother in law because she keeps a spotless house. (I also bought some eCloths for myself, and I’m really enjoying them so far.)
- DIY Doll Diaper Bag for my niece since all dolls need diapers, wipes, and burp cloths to be cared for properly. (This post is also the one in which I reveal Ramona’s incredible modeling talent.)
2. Read.
I only tackled 1 book this month – The Digital Mom Handbook. If you are a blogger, it’s a good read. Here are a few things that struck me:
- “Women honestly grappling with the balance between being a fully present mom and a women with other passions” – Kristen Howerton
- On writing hoping that someone reads: “It’s like going to gym day after day trying to get in better shape.”
- “Your blog is your platform. It’s your home online. You have the ability to do with it anything you like…The canvas you create is your own.”
3. Document my life.
I was supposed to write 1 life post a week. January is a 5 week month, and I’ve written 3. I have 3 things I have written down to write, so I should just write them. This was the same goal that I struggled with all last year. It’s hard when I feel like I write a mini diary on instagram daily. Just a note life posts don’t show up in your RSS feed, but I’ll post them on facebook and twitter with a disclaimer that it’s a life post. Also we are now on vine. If you want to view videos from us, find Wills Casa.
4. Monthly Challenge: Unplug.
The challenge was to limit my digital use during specific times/event. (Read more details here.) Of course I wasn’t 100% successful. I am going to continue being semi unplugged. I found that I’m way more productive when I step away from my computer. I know shocking. I’m going to put a timer on to manage my digital breaks to avoid that cycle of checking everything over and over. I am a night person, so I feel like I’ll get just as much accomplished online after Ramona goes to bed as I would otherwise.
I’ll share February’s challenge with you later today. I feel like you’ve read enough for 1 post! Here’s a roundup from Katja for the people who participated in unplugging!

i think all in all you have done a good job! the point was to make changes, and you have done that!
Thanks Cassie! I think so too. I felt really good about this month. It’s all about progress right!