Young House Love is hosting a Macklemore Thrift Shop Challenge because it’s hilarious and an anthem of sorts. Originally this was going to be a team challenge. You know Nick and I thrifting together and skipping through the fields with our finds after. Then Nick spent a whole $20 on himself, so I had no choice but to spend my own $20. This is how it all went down.
Here’s Nick the dashing husband modeling his $20 (#baller) in front of Goodwill. This is what all married 20-somethings do before they hire a sitter and have a date night. Totally normal people.
When Macklemore was talking about luggage, I doubt he had this vintage beauty in mind. It was a gorgeous tan leather Samsonite. However it did reek of smoke like most classy things from the 60s. (I only know this because I watch Mad Men.)
Nick stumbled upon some moccasins at the register. Left us wondering if some other blogger had been there before us. I did check for the tell-tale signs of a bloggers on a thrift store challenge, and none were to be found.
Ironically while we were searching for a broken keyboard, Nick found this Casio that he has wanted since his last one tragically left Wills Casa Uno. Giddy doesn’t even begin to describe his reaction.
It was $20, so that pretty much ended the search. It’s insane that we would even find something he’s wanted for 8 years because of a Macklemore lyric and a YHL challenge. Life is weird.
Also he isn’t totally crazy, these Casio MT-40s go for around $150 on eBay. Although this one sold for $325. Yes ours came with a case too.
[Nick Edit: If you’re interested in what it sounds like, here is a good YouTube video of one. Be on the look out for my synthesized dance pop album dropping at a thrift store near you… real soon]
My turn began with a nervous smile outside Thrift Town. Always a good sign.
I actually liked this London Fog big ass coat with its nice plaid lining, but it was a Men’s XL and may or may not have smelled like piss. (Thanks again Macklemore.)
Here Nick tries to “take your grandpa’s style.” It really takes on a whole new meaning when you involve a hoveround. I was less impressed because I felt somehow he is going to spend my $20 on something for himself like this maybe…
Nick says his mom had this (MIL if you are reading this, those are his words not mine). Nostalgia isn’t going to make me give you a penny of my $20 babe. Sorry.
Here is what I found. The ribbons were grouped together in bags, so I bought them as a set. The set of 3 with the blue floral and coralish polka dot ribbon was $2.99. The milk glass vase (!!!!) was $5.99. The orange ribbon set with knit chevron pattern was $1.49.
The ribbons joined my stack of vintage ribbons that I hoard with zero intention of using. Someone help me I clearly have a problem.
I spent $11.33, so I guess I could have bought Nick his prenatal buns of steel video. But I didn’t. Because I’m mean. I would have shopped more to spend that extra $8, but it was almost closing time. The employees were literally on the intercom counting down the minutes and seconds for us.
Can’t wait to see what everyone else found over at Young House Love.

I’m glad you guys had fun! I spied a Ramona in the cart too. What? We don’t get some Ramona modeling? Also, I’m sorry to say it, but I think Nick beat you. If you have a milk glass fetish (my mom does, we have even found milk glass chandeliers) look at they have some of the bigger, better stuff, they think will make more money if they auction it instead of selling it in stores but sometimes you can nab something for under a buck.
He always does. I love milk glass. I just rarely buy it. We typically antique instead of thrift, so I’m never willing to pay the antique store price. Thanks for the goodwill heads up!
You nailed the challenge! I went to our local thrift shop so I could participate in the challenge, and honestly, a million bloggers must have been there before me because there was literally NOTHING macklemore worthy. So I gave up. But I’m stoked y’all made out like bandits on your thrift shopping.
We went to a few before we found a single thing. I was beginning to think we would never find anything. Luckily we stopped at the Goodwill on our way out for a date. It set the tone the night. Ha. Nothing like scoring a Casio before a night out with your wife.
Way to go on the keyboard! And I love me some hobnail milk glass! I have a very similar milk glass vase, only mine looks more phallic in nature. Very successful thrifting adventure.
Haha awesome. I need to style a book shelf and put a peony in that vase!
WOW your thrift stores looks GREAT! And I love your loot. That is @ing awesome. Sorry – just quoting the song
I don’t usually swear… Promise…
Ribbon hoarders unite! I did not know that that was a thing to look for. I have only hoarded new ribbon so far. Hmmm
Don’t be fooled by the Instagram pictures. The thrift stores around here are very sketchy hence the nervousness of posing with a $20 outside of Thrift Town. No big deal though I found some good stuff and had a fun time with Nick.
I love your finds! I still think you should go back for that video – it was a real gem! 😉
Haha don’t tempt Nick!
I am cracking up over your husband posing on the hovaround! And loving that vase!
He’s obsessed with those things. It’s so odd. I feel like the vase was the real winner here even if we could make a profit on the keyboard.
Nothing like finding something in a thrift store that you could sell for so much more on eBay (even if you have no intention of doing so!)
We managed to go to a few stores at closing time too. The volunteers were literally counting down the minutes for us :o)
Haha it’s so awkward when they do that!
It was like the Thrift Store challenge happened for a reason. Casio success.
I’m impressed you tried that jacket on. I have pretty low standards but thrift store coats give me the creeps.
It was destiny! I’m surprised I tried that jacket on too, but I figured since we live in Texas it was probably only worn a handful of times.
You two absolutely crack me up!! Love your style
Haha thanks Tamsyn!
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