So did we rock your world last week with the news of our impending homelessness? Well prepare for another piece of life changing news….
A tiny baby Wills is happening. This is the ultrasound from 9 weeks, but I am now 13 weeks pregnant. It was sort of a shock. We weren’t able to start trying for another baby until December. I figured it would be another long ordeal to get pregnant like it was last year, so we were pleasantly surprised when we realized there was zero waiting around for this kiddo.
My official due date is September 27th. We are waiting until I am 20 weeks to find out the gender even though we have the option of finding out at 15. We will be 100% happy with either gender, so it’s not a big deal to wait. However Ramona won’t hear of baby Wills being a boy. She tells us (randomly) several times a day she wants a girl. She is also an only child who believes she gets whatever she wants. Regardless she is beyond excited to be a big sister…for now.
Sadly it’s true what they say about getting bigger quicker after you’ve had 1 baby. You can see the lovely reference above where I am currently about the size that I was at 23 weeks with Ramona. At this rate I should look about 9 months pregnant in no time. Although I’ve lost a pound so I have proven it’s possible to lose weight while still getting bigger. (Yes I am wearing the same shirt. I wore it for each weekly picture when I was pregnant with Ramona.)
I am incredibly tired and do not want to eat which is another reason why I’ve been pretty quiet lately. Sorry y’all it’s super difficult to stay up after Ramona is asleep. I started napping when she naps too, so there goes that productive time. I won’t bore you with constant pregnancy posting except on the life side (haha we all know how awesome I am about posting there). Anyway friends as promised lots of exciting things happening around here so just stick with the inconsistent posts for a while. I don’t think we can top this announcement, but I promise all the home news will be thrilling too.

i knew when i saw the title what this was going to be… i am so so happy for you! my kids are 17 months apart- clearly i had no idea that you could get pregnant pretty easily, too.
Haha thanks Cassie! We will have almost 4 years between ours which is more than I wanted, but oh well. My older sister and I are 4 years apart too.
YAYY!!!! I am so excited! Congratulations guys! And oh no to being pregnant and homeless!!
Haha thanks for the clarification! Both are life changing in completely different ways!
CONGRATS!! CONGRATS!! Very exciting news. Sorry you aren’t feeling well. Maybe it will pass. So excited for Ramona to be a big sister and can’t wait to find out if you’re having a boy or girl.
Thanks Krissy! Now that the 1st trimester has passed, it’s getting better. I can at least eat now! We are excited to find out too, but it’s not like we will have a nursery to prep right away.
Congratulations! I’m so excited for you! Ari was 4 when I was pregnant with Gus and, so badly did he want a sister, that when he found out Gus was a boy, he ran to the door and shouted, “goodbye! I’m going to go live with a new family….what has GIRLS!” But he liked Gus fine once he was born
LOL that’s adorable! I expect the same response from Ramona. The only problem is if we have a boy she will just want to play dress up with him. Oh boy!
Woohoo! Congratulations Wills family! That is super exciting, you look great, I hope you’re feeling A+ awesome and less tired now that you’re past the first trimester, and, by the way, I really love you a lot with short hair
Thanks Rachel! Don’t say that I’m growing it out, so I can rock a messy bun when I don’t want to fix my hair…so like every day!
AMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH! I’m so excited for you! This is so great. I almost started crying at work. You look so beautiful. You and Nick make amazingly gorgeous children. Congratulations! AH! I’m so excited and happy for you two! I need to make you some bunting right away
Haha I was just about to say something about that whole baby shower business!
Wooooohooooooo SUCH exciting news. Congratulations!!! I am so excited for you guys!!! I can completely understand why you are overwhelmed and tired with so many life changing things going on all at once. Here is to smooth sailing!!! Wishing you all the best and I can’t wait to follow along!!
Thanks Katja! It will be incredibly interesting to see me balloon over the next few months!
I was talking to a little birdie the other day, so I knew your news already, but I wanted to congratulate you and Nick and Ramona now that it’s official and wish you all the best. Glad you’re feeling better now that you’re past the first trimester, so you can get back to house-hunting!
Thanks Janet! Yes a very helpful birdie at that! Couldn’t have started the packing process without her! Oh that house hunting thing…better get on that! 😉
What great news. Congrats!!! Can’t wait to hear if it’s a boy or girl.
Thanks! It’s all pretty crazy, but I am glad there’s just 1 baby in there. I don’t think I could mentally handle the news of twins at this point!
Whaaaaaatttttt?! You guys! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m so happy for your little family! Now I know why you might not be able to go to Alt in SLC haha
Haha exactly! I was like I want to tell her yes we will try for SLC, but I know we won’t. I didn’t want to give you false hope! I’m so glad we got into SF or else we wouldn’t be able to go to any conference for a very long time!
Congrats!! I’m 14 weeks & feeling exactly the same as you! Hope you feel better soon! September babies, for the win!
I know I saw on Instagram! I thought oh my gosh we will be having these babies at the same time! Congrats to you guys as well!
Congrats Amber to you both…. How wonderful… It’s not a lot of fun when you feel ill but hopefully that is behind you now and brighter days are ahead.
Thank you! I have been feeling better but still extremely tired. That will probably be the story of my life for the next few years! 😉
How did I miss this? Yeay, so very excited for all of you! Don’t give too much thought comparing pregnancies, they pretty much are all different, but, if you are carrying this baby different than Ramona, than it might be a boy. Hope you start feeling better soon.
Thanks! I’d be happy either way, but sure wish I wasn’t showing so quickly!
Congratulations! You guys just decided to lump as many life changing events as possible into this year! Nice work combining your chromosomes. 😉 I’m sure he/she will be cute as a button
Yes we try to see just how stressful we can make it. It’s some sort of sick game! 😉
Oh my goodness, I can’t believe I missed this. Soooooo excited for you guys!!
Thanks! You’ll have to give me tips on handling 2!!