Y’all I was seriously blown away with everyone’s pumpkin projects. Nearly 100 (!!!!) of you linked up. It was a lot of fun looking through the projects and people’s websites in general. Isn’t the internet great?
We decided to feature 2 projects on each of our blogs since it’s all about sharing the love and keeping the party going.
These Pecan Streusel Pumpkin Muffins from Chicken, Crayons, and Diapers look incredible. I don’t really care for pumpkin flavored things as a general rule. It’s true. Please don’t cast stones my way. However I’m a sucker for streusel goodies and pecan anything. I could definitely see myself eating like 5-10 of these bad boys in a sitting. Yum.
The PumpKINGS by Alexis of Jacolyn Murphy are hilarious. I love her whole no carve Halloween ideas. I mean who wants to carve pumpkins anyway when you can get creative without having to deal with a moldy pumpkin later. I feel like I could really have an entire conversation with the Elvis one. It’s the sideburns. Get me every time.
See more features at:
Shift Ctrl Art // Primitive and Proper // Decor and the Dog
A Little Bite of Everything // A Swell Place to Dwell // Newly Woodwards
Boxy Colonial // Cuckoo 4 Design // Wills Casa
Bliss at Home // Go Haus Go // Interiors by Kenz
Don’t forget to vote for Wills Casa for Best DIY Blog in Lamps Plus home blog contest. You could win $500 to Lamps Plus. Already voted? No big deal. You can vote every 24 hours for more chances to win a shopping spree and more chances to love on Wills Casa.
We are #17. Go vote!

those muffins look amazing! come on over and lets read blogs and eat muffins and paint antlers and all that kind of fun stuff.
also love the elvis!
Best. Day. Ever.
Love that elvis pumpkin. So fun! Wouldn’t it be fun to have a whole pumpkin band?
Oh my gosh Kelly! That’s a great idea! Next year I should do the Beatles or someone like Lady Gaga. You could do her in various states of chaos!
haha, the pumpKINGS crack me up! love them! And it’s so rad that you were nominated for the lamps plus contest. You definitely deserve it!
Thank you! Maybe I should pretend like I’m actually building the house. I mean that’s like hardcore DIY. How could I not win with that?! 😉
elvis pumpkin!!!! that’s funny! congrats on your nomination
xo Kristin
Thanks Kristin!
Yes, those pumpkins are hilarious!
Congrats on the nomination!
Thank you Julia!
I feel like eating one of the pumpkin streusel muffins with the pumpKING! Love these features!
Game plan. I will make the muffins. Nick can make the coffee. And you just need to get here!
MMmmmmmm… I need a muffin. NEED.A.MUFFIN.
Muffins for all!
The Pecan Streusel Pumpkin Muffins look amazing!
I know right! It says a lot that I’m intrigued even though I don’t like pumpkin flavored food.
PEACAN STREUSEL PUMPKIN MUFFINS?! That sounds amazing! I would definitely make a batch if I knew I could resist not eating them all. Please tell me other people have this problem with baking?! If the recipe makes 12 muffins, I am eating all 12 muffins by myself..no self control over here!
Well obviously you have to eat them all while they are hot! That’s the best park of baking unless we are talking cake. I like my cake cool but still polished off in a day.