After we had hit the LA fabric outlets during our free day in LA, we decided to pop into (maybe) our favorite LA furniture store: HD Buttercup.
It’s a pretty amazing place, with almost any type of furniture you could want (including vintage, though fairly pricey).
Here’s Amber and Ramona checking out some of their finer offerings.
They have a section that sells Organic Modernism furniture. In fact, they have the buffet that we discussed buying multiple times (except we want the white lacquer shell not the gray that’s pictured):
Here’s Ramona checking it out, seeing if the quality meets her standards. The piece was on sale for $995 (it’s $1700 at Organic Modernism in New York). We’ve discussed buying it from Organic Modernism and were seriously tempted to buy it here and ship it home. We decided to look around some more and decide later (we’re super undecisive).
They had this one for $995 too. Not looking for anything this size, but it was still nice.
After we walked around the store some more, Amber said that she thought that it was probably too tall for the dining room. We have a rule that we both have to like something (especially something that’s this expensive), so we just made the decision to not pursue it (for now).
Side Note: Having to agree on everything makes it really hard to decorate a house.
So we moved on, to Room & Board next door. We love this place too, and though more common than HD Buttercup, there’s not one near us (Dallas has got to be next on the list, right?). Towards the back we ran into this guy:
Yea, it’s the console I deemed as my favorite in this post. It was marked down from $2700 to $1300. Though it was in ebony, not walnut I was still loving it. The size was perfect and it met pretty much all of our criteria for a buffet.
So why did we not buy either of the 2 buffets that we loved when they were both available at substantially lower prices?
Well, like I said earlier, Amber thought the first was too tall (and probably not wide enough at 66″). Also, we weren’t sure if they had one with white outside (the grey would not have enough contrast to the blue walls in the dining room), and we would probably have to figure out how to get it home.
The Room & Board was an amazing deal, but it wasn’t the exact color we wanted. Also, the store said they would have to ship it back to their warehouse in Minnesota and we probably wouldn’t get it until May.
All those reasons, combined with the fact that it was a lot of money that we hadn’t planned on spending, meant that we didn’t pull the trigger.
At this point, I think we’re going to try and find a vintage mid century modern buffet (we’re masochists). So, uh yea, the search goes on…

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