We carved out a day to visit the fabric outlets in LA on our post-Christmas Disney trip. There were streets lined with fabric shops. We only took 1 one picture while we were there because it’s a shady area and I didn’t want to bust out the camera. (Also shopping with a 2 year old that has been to Disney for the past 3 days is a bit of a challenge.) I had to get at least 1 and text it to Jamie. She sent me a link to recommended fabric shops, so we decided to just go to those especially after we saw how many shops there actually were. Nick gave me a $100 budget.
We went into a few shops, but I am not the most confident shopper when it comes to a new shop (and a budget). I also had no idea what sewing project I was going to do. I should have thought more about that before we headed out. Lesson learned.
When I arrived at Michael Levine I still had $100 and was feeling a little lost. They had tons of fabric I wanted for nothing in particular. So I bought with little idea of what I was going to eventually do with it. The prices for the designer fabrics were comparable to what you find at City Craft, but they had lots on sale and tons of other options.
1. The striped knit was $3 per yard, so I got 3 yards. I might make myself a shirt or something with it. Maybe like this.
2. Black Ruffled fabric was $11 per yard and 50% off, so I bought 2 yards. I bought some in purple as well for Jamie.
3. Joel Dewberry Ginseng for 50% off. I can’t remember how much it was, but I bought 2 yards. I have a diaper bag with the same pattern but in gray (made by this talented lady).
4. Amy Butler August Fields for 50% off, so guess what I bought 2 yards. No idea how much it was originally most likely $12.
5. Robert Kaufman Metro Living. I don’t think it was on sale, but I still bought 2 yards.
6. Echino for Kokka. My favorite find. I loved it as soon as I saw it. Then I noticed it was $19 per yard. I tried to convince myself I didn’t love it anymore. I bought only a yard because I couldn’t justify anymore without knowing what I was going to use it for. We are now thinking drapes for the dining room. It would be a big expense since it will take about 8 yards total for 2 panels, but I really do love it.
My total was $100.05. Who says I can’t shop on a budget while on vacation. Although the FIDM scholarship store was closed, so I would have gone over budget if it wasn’t for that.

You should make on of these with the knit!
I saw that pin of yours! Good idea!