You were probably expecting to see a post about stapling the seat cushions and finally being finished with the chairs for the nook, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. It’s time for another round of let’s see how Amber is doing on her goals just 2 months into the year. (I write that as I polish off a box of girl scout cookies. Good thing I set zero health goals, so you can’t hold me accountable for that.)
1. Complete at least 1 crafty project per month.
I was overloaded with craft projects this month. I made Ramona’s valentine’s gifts. I painted the table in the nook. I made my own piping and sewed the seat cushion for nook chairs. Also working on a secret crafty project that should be blog ready by next week.
2. Read at least 1 book. I did read A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Briners Will Rule the Future, but I haven’t finished it yet. Leave it to me to not meet a goal in a month that gave me an extra day.
I have read part 1 (which is only 3 chapter but it sounds more impressive). It is fascinating. Nick got the cliff notes version from Daniel Pink at a lecture hosted by his former company. Basically we are moving towards future where right brained thinkers (artist, inventors, counselors) will be the most successful. He gives you six senses that help you develop this type of right brain thinking. If you are a teacher, business owner, or parent, you should check it out. It is not a difficult read and super engaging.
3. Do more fun things with Ramona.
Here we are painting…you know fostering that right side of her brain! We’ve gone to the park almost every week. (Thank you spring weather in February.) Also since we started cooking together in January, anytime I’m doing anything in the kitchen she feels that she needs her stool so she can see. We’ve done things that don’t cost anything (bonus we can even stay in our pjs for most of it, park excluded of course I’m not that parent).
4. Journal everyday. I have been pretty bad about doing this at the end of the day. I still have every day filled out, but I may have written it 3 days after it happened. Maybe I’ll be better in March.

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