A craft project revisited / Happy Memorial Day

About a week ago, Ramona found an old craft project of Amber’s. A jumper that she made using a pattern from the book One Yard Wonders. Ramona immediately wanted to wear it.

It was a great chance to do a quick photoshoot.

She was loving it!

After she had been wearing it a little while, she started pulling the top down (not a classy move for a young lady).  So Amber decided to add some shoulder straps for it.

Voila! She was ready to go. She actually wore it to school the next day and got a lot of compliments on how cute it is! Amber is going to have to add fashion designer to her business card now.

We hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day! We’re looking foward to spending time with our family and recharging the batteries a little bit.


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4 Responses to A craft project revisited / Happy Memorial Day
  1. Ramona is so pretty! Love the expressions. And cute outfit/project. I have little boys so this outfit doesn’t work for us but I’m going to check out the One Yard Wonders.

    • Amber says:

      Haha yeah I’m sure the boys would not appreciate a romper – straps or no straps! There are some good projects for kids in there. Most of the clothes are for girls though. I bought it because I figured there would be enough small projects to let me practice my sewing skills without requiring much time or money for materials. Of course I’ve tabbed significantly more than I’ve actually made, but I’ll get to it eventually. She has another book Fabric-by-Fabric One Yard Wonders. I haven’t checked it out, but I heard some good things about it.

  2. Stephanie says:

    So cute! It looks great!