Happy Fourth of July everybody! It’s time to fire up the grill and lounge by the pool! We’re having the family over for burgers and lots of dessert.
One cool thing about our neighborhood is that (with a small donation to the local rotary), every morning of a major American holiday we wake up to a flag in our yard (seen above). They line our entire street and it’s pretty neat to drive down. I don’t think we realized when we moved in how much we would like that.
In other news, it looks like the Pinterest Challenge is back…..so I guess we know what we’ll be doing this weekend. We started the planning process last night, but we haven’t nailed down exactly what we’re going to do yet. Anyone else out there jumping in on this one?
We hope you enjoy the holiday and make sure to be safe if you’re lighting explosives!

I think I may have to join the Pinterest Challenge! I saw a pin yesterday that I want to try to make this weekend and maybe that will make me actually try it
Yea! Do it! The jury is still out on what to do over here. It’s not for lack of inspiration that’s for sure just more on being indecisive. You know the usual. Can’t wait to see how it turns out!