I Killed It

Did anyone notice a change in our living room corner (besides the wall)? Here’s something to jog your memory…

Our modernica planter killed our rubber plant. I don’t know how it happened, but slowly it disintegrated until it looked like this.

It was pathetic, but I kinda already warned everyone it was going to happen. Anyway I knew we had to take pictures of the gallery wall. I wasn’t about to show off a dead plant, so we headed to Lowe’s for a quick switch.

We bought a Dracaena for $17. It requires a tolerant care level (but I’ve killed plants with that are supposedly resilient before). It should get enough light because it only requires 3-4 hours of indirect light. I only have to keep the soil moist, and I’m pretty sure I can do that. Here’s to hoping this guy stays alive!

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2 Responses to I Killed It
  1. We have zero live plants in our house because I do such a terrible job at keeping them alive. If it weren’t for Mike we probably wouldn’t have any live plants outside either :)

    • Amber says:

      Don’t worry I’ve killed everything outside too except for the things that have roots too deep for my black thumb to penetrate.