Ramona went to her 3 year check up today. It was the first time they gave her a little robe for the exam. She was pretty excited about it. I might be under selling that. She might have thought it was Christmas. Ramona isn’t the type of kid who shies away from the doctor. She is significantly quieter when we are there, but she doesn’t fear going to the doctor by any means.
They checked her eyes. She was so excited to name the symbols. Ramona loves to show off her smarts. What can I say she is her parents’ child. Her vision is 20/30 which is excellent for her age. I’m sure she will wind up in glasses because we want her to be a hipster Nick and I are both nearsighted.
She weighs 31 lbs 14 oz (60th percentile) and is 37.9 inches tall (75th percentile). Her height to weight ratio is right around the 50th percentile, so she is right where she needs to be.
I feel like her diet (and ours) is very balanced. It helps that Ramona is the least picky eater in the world. Plus we are usually eating low carb so we eat lots of different veggies. This is just round 1 of her dinner – salmon, broccoli and cheese, caprese, and bread. When I make salmon (a weekly occurence), she eats 2 portions. I can even eat Pho with her because she likes the chicken bún. Yes fellow mothers it’s ok to be jealous of my luck.
She did have to get the flu shot. Even though she’s now old enough to get the mist up her nose, she’s had a very runny nose. It wasn’t the best option, so I distracted her with a Minnie Mouse book while she nurse gave her the shot. I feel bad because the look on her face made me laugh a little (don’t worry I laughed on the inside). She looked really pissed/scared when the needle went it, but it was over before she could cry or anything. I’m terrified of needles, so I do feel bad about my internal giggle. I’m sorry Ramona. Maybe you just shouldn’t have such a cute shocked face.
I told her she could pick out lunch since she had to get a shot. I was fully expecting Chick-fil-a, but she wanted Chipotle (previously renamed by Ramona as quesadilla Chick-fil-a). Those are really our only 2 fast food options. We had Chipotle for dinner the night before, and she got apple juice. She wanted it again because she thought she would get more apple juice. She was right, but it’s okay because you can never get tired of Chipotle salad. Plus she always picks Chick-fil-a, so I will encourage the change.

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