I bought cheetah nail stickers at the Dollar Tree for Ramona on one of my multiple trips. She found them today and said she wanted painted nails. The girl loves to have her nails painted. I have no idea how she even knew that’s what they were for. Instinct?
I had to do some extra cutting since her nails are so small. I will admit they didn’t look that great up close, but when do home manicures? Never. Well at least not when I am doing them.
Cute right? She loved them. Then we ate dinner (eggplant parmesan), and they all came off. I guess eating with your manicured fingers isn’t the best idea. It was just too cheese greasy for the dollar store nail stickers. Oh well they lasted about as long as legitimately painting her nails does.
Maybe I will try again on a night we eat sandwiches.

Maybe Soup & Salad night, too!
They are super cute!
Haha I thought about that then remembered she eats salad with her hands too! The kid only likes to have forks near her plate. There will be no using utensils on her account.