This weekend we needed to make the trek up to our nearest Ikea in order to get our nephew a birthday present. This was the first time Ramona was able to go into Småland (their onsite playground), allowing us to mosey around the store without having to chase her between small square footage dwellings. Here’s what we found:
One question we get a lot is people asking us where we got the cable on the chalkboard wall in our kitchen. Normally I’m all like “figure it out yourself”, but today I thought I’d be nice. Ours is the loft cable system from west elm, which (*cue sad music*) is no longer available. Since we get asked about it a fair bit, I thought this was worth mentioning:
These guys are available for only $12.99. I believe we paid about $30 for ours, so that’s nice alternative if you want to display your kids’ artwork like we do.
I was loving the Henny wool blanket. It was $40, so I bought it. It’s sitting in my office right now.
There were some pretty nice pieces of art. Botanical / Vintage animal prints are all the rage right now, and these butterflies are a nice cheap alternative. The vintage rocker print is nice as well.
There was also this rug that we were digging on. We’re talking about it for our formal dining room. Apparently these rugs are one of a kind, so we’ll need to get back up there soon if we want it.
Amber was also digging this pattern (a little girlie for my taste). She wanted to talk about Ramona’s room being shifted from nursery to toddler room. We’ve been putting it off (yes, we’re terrible parents) until we see how the whole moving situation shakes out. We aren’t wanting to buy anything until then.
Overall, a pretty productive trip to Ikea. Ramona got to play in Småland for the first time ever, and Amber and I got an hour to ourselves talking about home design (it was super hot).

Such a fun post, especially the last sentence.
Thanks May! and it was! 😉