I challenged myself to put a little handmade into every gift I gave this year. I am 3 gifts into the year and feeling great that January is behind me. I approached this goal thinking I wanted the gifts to be handmade but still substantial. Yes it takes an hour to sew/craft 1 thing, but you can’t just give 1 thing (unless it’s epic in which case it probably took you longer than an hour anyway).
I decided to combine several sewing projects to create a handmade diaper bag for dolls (well the bottles weren’t handmade but whatevs). The gift includes a bag (duh), burp cloth with bottles, diapers, and wipes.
A quick thank you to Ramona for modeling for me. Yes she came up with her own poses.
First the bag tutorial is the child’s messenger bag from One Yard Wonders. I used green denim for the outside and pink polka dot lining. The cut for the strap was supposed to be 30″, but I cut 28″. You can see where it falls on Ramona. (She is about 38″ tall.) Just a few tips when tackling this bag:
The bag is actually deeper than it looks here.
- Line up the pocket on interior piece with the flap on the exterior piece. Once everything is finished, your pocket will be on back of the interior.
- Make your 4″ opening to turn the bag ride side out in the front. When you top stitch you won’t have to deal with the opening and the flap.
I also recommend you skipping out on the velcro for the bag. It’s just easier for toddlers to deal with getting things in and out of the bag without the velcro. Also you get to skip that step making it easier on you.
I found this cute tutorial for the diapers and wipes. I think 2 diapers is plenty for a doll – 1 dirty and 1 clean. I used felt for the wipes case, but fleece for the wipes. I cut 5 wipes, and Ramona uses every wipe every time.
We are working on scanning in my template for the diapers so you can download it and skip out on that bummer of a task. I’ll update it here and post on facebook and twitter once we make it happen. The diapers are incredibly easy to make, but creating a template is never fun.
The burp cloth is just a 9×13 scrap of Liberty fabric and fleece. Pin the right sides together leaving a 2″ opening. Sew. Clip corners. Turn fabric right side out. Press. Top stitch. Easy.
Add baby bottles, I got mine at Target. Ramona has these ones from amazon (they make noise too). Now you can feed, burp, and change your doll.
How sweet is this picture? It melts my heart.
Well friends that is how you do make a little girls dream come true and keep your handmade gift goal. The diaper bag was actually for my niece, but Ramona has too. (Of course she does she’s an only child.)

Ugh. Girl breaks my heart into a thousand pieces.
I love this gift idea and I know TONS of little girls who would think I was the greatest if I did this. Awesome idea!
Thanks! I know she’s a doll. It’s incredible.
Seriously easy gift to make. It’s just a lot of gather of tutorials. What girl doesn’t love to play mommy? I love playing it in real life!
This is the most tender thing I’ve seen! I love it so hard!
Haha thanks! It’s so sweet. Truth be told Ramona is not as into playing mommy as playing princess, but I don’t think we’ve taken a cuter picture of her.
Adorable! Girl has modeling skills!
Thanks! It took no time, and she did so well. I must have caught her in the exact right mood. It’s never that easy.
I think you are getting the mom of the year award for that gift. WOW ! I love it all, but I am especially wowed by the cloth diapers. They are terrific.
Love her poses
So cute. She has it down!
Haha awesome I’d like to thank my sewing machine… 😉
The diapers are so cute. It’s precious to see Ramona change them. Funny what they pick up on. Although she’s never really around babies, so I’m not sure how she knows how to do any of it.
Ramona looks adorable with her little model poses! Great gift too, I have been eyeing off the nappy/wipes pin as a project to for a while now.
I had them pin for who knows how long before I decided I’d go ahead and make them. They are super easy. I think making the template was why I didn’t sew them sooner.
This is such a great idea, I was going to send it to my sister but I see she already commented!! Ramona could not get any cuter if she tried
Aw thanks! Yes make her make some of those! I think even Max would appreciate one! 😉