We grabbed a Cinderella dress complete with shoes at Disney’s after Christmas clearance. Ramona kept saying she wanted a Cinderella ball dress. Problem solved kid and at close out prices too.
She has worn it literally every day since. Glitter is everywhere, but seriously look how happy that girl is!
I was trying to get her to clean up and she told me, “I don’t clean. I’m the married Cinderella.” Apparently getting married is an automatic exemption to cleaning…this girl is going to have a rude awakening. I also apologize in advance to her future husband.
Of course like any mother, I continued to insist that she help clean. Clearly I wasn’t getting these married “rules,” so Ramona went on to explain that only the black Cinderella cleans. I did not understand what she was talking about. She rarely says things without reason, so I kept talking with her to figure out what she meant.
She was talking about Cinderella’s work outfit. She had no way of classifying grubby work clothes other than the color which are technically brown not black, but she explained her shoes were black. Fair enough.
At least Ramona has said 1 sweet thing since she’s become the married Cinderella. She told Nick he needs to get a Prince Charming outfit, so they could go to the ball and dance. So friends there are now 2 things on my to do list: 1) sew a Cinderella work outfit and 2) a Prince Charming suit. I’m only slightly kidding.

Just wonderful! What a treasure she is!
Thanks Jean! She always keeps us laughing! Never a dull moment around here.