What was the deal with April? I mean seriously it flew, and here’s how I did…
via Jacinda’s Instagram (@prudentjacinda)
1. Give handmade gifts.
We had 3 birthdays, and no handmade gifts. I’m officially scratching this goal for the rest of the year. I don’t have a space to craft anymore, so it isn’t really a feasible goal. However I did find this awesome Pantone Colors book, so there’s a good kid gift option for y’all.
2. Read.
I didn’t read either of these, but I did download them to my Kindle with great intentions. I’d Know You Anywhere is from an author Cassie recommended. I got 3 pages in and fell asleep. I know it will be good I just have to fight off sleep long enough to read productively. Not easy for a pregnant women.
The One and Only Ivan was a book Rachel read in March. She had a good review, so I thought I’d add it to the queue (that doesn’t get read anyway).
I will say that the final Sookie Stackhouse novel Dead Ever After comes out May 7th, so there’s definitely no way I make it through May without reading it. I’ve been on a countdown for almost a year back when I figured I would start the series and read all 12 books in a month.
3. Document my life. // 4. Monthly Challenge: Photo
I didn’t write any life posts again, so that’s like 3 months of sucking. I did however post daily activities on instagram for my monthly challenge of photo. Basically IG was like several mini life posts. Barely counts, but I’ll take it.
I have pages of life/regular content ideas. I am going to be better this month about putting deadlines on myself. I know you’re probably thinking (I would be too) she’s a stay at home mom with no job this shouldn’t be hard. Well more on that later this month. Would it rock your face off if I told you I was building a house with my bare hands? Yea that’s not true but just pretend it’s that extreme.
Katja has picked the new word this month…circle. Interpret it however you like. I’m still mulling it over. Hopefully I’ll come up with something awesome. Does running around in circles like a crazy women count? If so, I’m golden this month.

Hi! I am visiting from Katja’s blog, which I love =)
Sorry the homemade gift thing didn’t pan out last month, but that is such a great idea! I wonder if I could do that…homemade gifts are just so special…time consuming, but special! Good luck with May!
Thanks! Glad you stopped by. Katja (and her blog) are awesome! Handmade gifts are great and I love being a thoughtful gift giver. Since we are a temporary living situation, there’s just no room to craft here. Maybe I’ll pick it up again another year.
I love your honesty!
Well sometimes you just have to be brutally honest with yourself about how terrible you are at your goals!