Katja and I tackled August with the monthly challenge of INSPIRE. I decided to hone my mood board skills and start compiling images (home and fashion) to inspire myself and you.
I also really wanted to allow myself time to truly design spaces and think through all the rooms we are having to build. Nick and I have really been able to have a clear vision of each space through these mood boards and finding inspirational images to guide our decision making. It’s been a great month. We are both feeling refreshed and inspired. We are so excited for what’s in store for us over the next couple of months (the arrival of our child also included in that – 24 days or less!!).
I participated in curating an IKEA dream home with some fabulous bloggers that coincidentally have mad style. I was in charge of the kid’s room. Make sure to check out the entire tour. Also I have a great roundup of IKEA hacks that make me want to go all DIY on several IKEA pieces!
Nick and I tested our parenting decorating skills and hosted Nursery Week where we both designed a nursery for a boy and a girl. It was interesting to see the differences and similarities in our mood boards. It won’t be long until the baby comes then quickly followed by the house, and we will get to design the nursery in real life! Check out Nick’s boy nursery and girl nursery as well as my boy nursery and girl nursery. Are you more excited to find out what the baby is or how the nursery will look?
I have been having an incredibly fun time with Fashion Fridays. I love pulling together outfits for me and Ramona along with home finds. I started with pattern play, floral + gold, budget finds, and baby style. This was originally going to just be a series in August, but you might see it pop up every now and then. I’m having a hard time letting go, but I know this month is going to be a little busy to commit a regular series.
Our monthly challenge for September is SOFT. There will a bundle of complete softness and preciousness coming to Wills Casa this month. Let’s hope however that having that baby is not so much of a monthly challenge and more like a happening I guess. A really joyous happening that’s also painless. Hey a girl can dream right.
Thanks for the sweet words about our dog Sara. She was doing better but took a turn for the worst on Monday when we were scheduled to pick her up. The vet has taken more aggressive action. We will see how she responses to this new treatment over the next couple of days.

Hope Sara gets better soon! Looking forward to your September projects. We have two kids now and it’s awesome! Wouldn’t trade it for the world.
So you’re saying it possible to manage life with 2 kids! Whew!
Congratulations on the new addition! I will be very interested to see the progress on the house now that’s it’s framed. I’ve heard it slows down tremendously, but other people say it will go so far from here on out.
oh keeping you and sara in my thoughts, guys. keep us posted please.
Thank you Cassie. Hopefully we will be able to see her today. I don’t want to take Ramona if she’s too sick. I don’t think Ramona would deal with that very well.
Ooooh baby! I’m so excited for this little Baby Wills to make an appearance. And good luck with Sara. We’re sending our best vibes your direction.
I know can you believe it happens this month!! AHHH. Crazy. I think not knowing the gender has made the pregnancy go by quicker. It’s like I don’t believe the baby can be here so fast because I don’t even know what it is yet. That my friends is called playing mind tricks on yourself!
Sara starts therapy today, so the next couple of days will be full of ups and downs. Hopefully we can pick her up in the next 2-3 days and have her back to normal!
I am so excited about your soft happening this month
So sad to read about Sara taking a turn for the worse. I hope she recovers soon.
I loved your mood boards. The nursery week was awesome. I loved them all! I was very inspired
Thank you. They said the next couple of days will be a roller coaster, but hopefully we can bring her home healthy in 2-3 days.
So glad you were inspired! I had a very nice push from my favorite blogger! 😉
Such a great month. I can’t wait to see what “Soft” means to you all. Cheers to a new month, the month of Baby Wills #2’s arrival. Yes, #2’s.
I know so weird! We are about to be a family of 4!! Yikes! I don’t even remember what it’s like to parent a newborn!
I hope Sara is feeling better. Happy thoughts are heading your way
Speaking of happy: I’m excited to “meet” Baby Wills! I can’t believe he/she will be here this month! It’s crazy how fast time flies haha
Thank you. We saw her this afternoon. She looks rough, but they say she’s doing better. Hopefully she will be home in the next 2-3 days.
This pregnancy really did go by fast! I am however more than ready for this baby to come. Well ready in theory. I’m not actually prepared yet!
You will rock this month. I can feel it.
Hope Sara is better.
Hope I can rock this month. I might get a little loopy with lack of sleep, so reader beware!
Sara looked awful today, but they are saying she is better than yesterday. She was fine for a couple of days and then things got bad. I’m glad she was at the vet when she turned. They were able to act quicker especially since it was a holiday weekend. They would have released her to us on Saturday if we had been in town, so I guess it was best that we were gone!
I love the dresser in Nick’s boy nursery
Hope Sara is feeling better!
Thank you! I refinished that dress about a year ago. It served as a buffet until we had another nursery to do, so glad it’s ready when we are!
Sara is still at the hospital. I can’t believe it’s been a week since I took her in. She’s had 2 surgeries and will pull through. It’s just a very long recovery and lots of continued medical treatment. No one thought her injuries were as severe as they were.