After my doctor’s appointment this week, things got real. This baby is coming soon. I needed to whip myself into shape and start packing my bags for the upcoming trip to the hospital. I know everyone is pregnant, so I wanted to help you out with a little what to pack inspiration/real life need!
Obviously you need a cute weekender bag (vintage Diane Von Furstenberg anyone?). Nothing too big or small since most hospital rooms are tiny.
Last time I packed normal nightgowns, and they weren’t ideal for breastfeeding. If you want a nightgown, I’d go with one specifically made for nursing. Hospital gowns aren’t stylish, but they do have snaps on the shoulder that are convenient for breastfeeding. Bring a nursing bra if you want to stay in the gown. It’s something you will use for as long as you nurse anyway.
I actually bought this robe. It’s jersey (on clearance in store) and super comfortable. You don’t want the room to be too cold for the baby, so a robe is a great solution. Plus if you stay in the gown (which you probably will for at least several hours after delivery), you can at least use to look more put together. Get some cheap flip flops instead of slippers. I wasn’t up much at the hospital after Ramona anyway, so $2 flip flops worked great for bathroom trips.
I am a big fan of nursing tanks with pajama bottoms. I would bring a few tanks for in the hospital and the way home. If you are having a c-section, obviously go the nightgown route instead. For me the tanks and pj bottoms with a comfy robe were the way to go. You will need to buy bottoms that are still maternity since you’ll still look about 5 months pregnant.
Regardless if you go the gown + bra, nightgown, or tank + pjs look, you will need nursing pads. You might want to bring a nursing cover in case you have male friends (your dad/father-in-law or heck female friends too) come to the hospital. You never know when baby needs to eat and for how long, so it’s best to at least have the option of feeding while still visiting with friends.
Don’t forget your electronics and cords. Super important while waiting for baby and all the social media you’ll be engaging in after to show off the precious bundle. Camera with a way to video is a must too. You can always take video on your phone as well. Just be thinking about how much you will run your battery down, so you might want a few video options just in case (i.e. camera and phone).
Snacks!! You can’t eat while you are laboring, so you will be starving after you’re done. Make sure to pack some high protein snacks, so you don’t have to wait on food.
Toiletries (I even packed my makeup), nipple cream, and Chapstick are all necessary! I wouldn’t pack my razor or anything. Let’s not get too ambitious, but you might want to squeeze in a shower and some primping before heading home or having people over at the hospital.
If there is an older brother or sister, you probably want to bring a gift for them from the baby. I know that might sound silly, but people will be all over the new baby. You don’t want them to feel left out or resentful from the start. Plus you have to stay overnight without your other kids, so it’s the least you can do.
When you head home, have your car seat ready and installed or you won’t be going anywhere. Wear comfortable pants, a nursing tank (or soft tee), a wrap cardigan, and some slip on shoes.
Besides mittens and a cute beanie, I didn’t pack much as far as outfitting the baby. Most of the time they are swaddled up and in hospital clothes since they are constantly being unwrapped and checked on by the nurses.
It was very important for me to have a special going home outfit for the baby. It’s the first trip out into the world, dress them for it!
Boy Outfit – Hoodie / Button Down / Jeans / Shoes
Girl Outfit – Dress / Jean Jacket / Shoes (not pictured but so important a bow!!)
My bags are packing and we are ready to go…okay well not really but at least this part is done! Hope that helps all you pregnant mama since I know there is a ton of you!
Have a great weekend loves!

Good luck!!
Thank you!
Oh my heck! BABY WILLS!!! I think it’s going to be a boy. I’m so excited for you guys. It’s coming so fast. I’m really glad you wrote this post. I literally have NO idea what to do. I’m going to be a hot mess when the time comes, and I’m sure Aaron will be just as hot and just as messy. It’s going to be out of control. GOOD LUCK! AHHHHH!
Haha I think everyone is a hot mess when the time goes! I was so nervous with Ramona and am still nervous with #2! I had to write this post for myself! I literally had to give myself time to think through what I needed and put it into words just so I could actually start packing.
Me too! At least the hospital is only a couple blocks from our house so if I need anything SOMEONE can run over to the house lol
Yeah we are about 25 minutes away from the hospital, but there’s a Target pretty close. So same thing!
Great suggestions. I went with all gowns–even though I didn’t have a c-section I didn’t want anything remotely tight on after the delivery because I was pretty sore. And the robe is a must to cover up around all those visitors. Also, I went ahead and bought all new toiletries (shower stuff, face wash, etc) and just kept them in my bag so when I went into labor, I didn’t have to hunt things down in my bathroom. I’m a big planner and packed my bag about three weeks out, so the stuff I used every day (makeup, hair dryer, etc) I kept grouped together in a basket on my counter. I’m glad I did because I’m one of those whose water broke and had to high tail it to the hospital faster than if ‘I’d just started with contractions. Good luck!
Ps–I felt 100 times better after showering and doing my hair the morning after she arrived. Makes a big difference to feel like you look good when all those visitors come.
I absolutely agree! I was induced with Ramona, so I didn’t ever feel rushed. I was packed and planned long before just in case. I just had to throw my makeup bag and hair stuff into the bag the day of. It’s a giant weight off your shoulders once you get that bag packed. I was so anxious before hand. I am going to give nursing gowns a try again, but pack my tank and pjs too.
Thanks! Hopefully the 2nd will be even easier than the 1st, but I had a perfect delivery with Ramona. It’s going to be difficult to beat that.
You are so prepared. That is so awesome. I can’t wait to start screaming PUUUUSH hahahaha. Ok, I think I am more one the “BREATHEEEE” team
My money is still on boy, but I will be surprised ether way.
I’m just ready to stop being kicked. Although it’s much easy to check on the progress of the house when the baby is still in my belly. It’s definitely going to be a game changer dragging 2 to check on the property!
Awww YAY! I’m excited it’s getting close! We also made sure to pack ibuprofin. We had the kind of insurance where you pay a percentage of the cost (PPO I think?) and after baby #1 we saw that it cost $36 for ibuprofin, so the next time around we just brought our own $3 bottle.
Oh wow yikes that’s crazy expensive! I didn’t pay that close attention to our hospital bill last time. I just remember that they charge you for literally everything even when you think it’s just routine. I didn’t realize the hospital and the doctor were going to be separate charges along with the epidural company. The amount of people you get bills from is crazy. It’s hard to keep up, and I had a normal delivery!
I can’t believe you are so close. I need your mailing address asap! And I can’t find your business card anywhere to email you. Help a friend out!
Ah Jessica! I’ll shoot you an email with the info! I know it’s so crazy how quickly this pregnancy went!
Have you tried Kind bars?! I used to eat Cliff bars on the regular until I was given a free sample at a music festival. I haven’t gone back since! (Coconut almond is my favorite, with chocolate sea salt being a close second. YUM!)
I have not tried those. I’ll have to look them up. I bought a ton of Cliff bars the other day though when I was packing my bag. Chocolate Sea Salt sounds delicious.