Newborn Necessities

1. Towel  /  2. Shampoo & Lotion  /  3. Swaddle Blankets
4. CBR  /  5. iBabylog app  /  6. Bundle Me
7. Nursing Cover  /  8. Sleep Sack  /  9. Burpy Bid
10. Changing Station  /  11. Honest Diapers  /  12. Dekor Plus

As promised I rounded up some of my newborn must haves. I mean I’m 4 months in with kid number 2,  so I’m basically an expert. If only people.

H&M has great organic cotton towels and bodysuits for cheap, so stock up. I love the Aden + Anais swaddles. They make swaddling less daunting. Swaddling is hard y’all. I would put Beckett in the sleep sack for night. The bundle me for his car seat is a must for winter babies. I had one with Ramona too. It’s just so nice to have them warm and be able to cover them without struggling with a loose blanket.

I couldn’t live without the iBabylog app. It tracks nursing times and sides, diaper changes, everything. Just 4 years ago I had to record all that stuff in a journal. Technology is changing the world I tell ya.

I can’t even begin to tell you how much we love Honest diapers and products. It’s amazing to have diapers and wipes delivered monthly. Magnificent. Plus they have adorable patterns. And bonus Beckett has not had a diaper rash since we have switched to exclusively using Honest diapers. We have the essentials bundle as well, so we use the lotion and shampoo (and cleaning supplies). It’s convenient, responsible, and stylish. What more can you ask for? (Answer: Nothing.)

I love the changer (10). It’s easy to delegate changing responsibilities when you can just hand that thing over instead of the entire diaper bag. I had a different diaper pail with Ramona. Then I bought the Dekor Plus, and it’s by far the best way to dispose of all those adorably patterned diapers.

Don’t be fooled by overwhelming baldness cuteness. This kid has entered into the extreme drooling stage. Jessica got me these incredible burpy bibs – burp cloth + bib. Nothing like a baby essential that is dual purpose.

So the Cord Blood Registry kit isn’t really something you use, but I felt like it needed to be included. We have saved both kids’ cord blood, and Beckett’s cord tissue (they didn’t do that when Ramona was born). We researched it and felt like it was the best choice for our family.

Any mama’s want to chime in on their must have items?

Some affiliate links included. The links to Honest and CBR are the same referral links available to all their clients.

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12 Responses to Newborn Necessities
  1. Rachel says:

    Mr Chubs is getting so big! I love his chunky legs. YES to the velcro swaddlers. I kind of stink at swaddling (and Jeff REEEEAAAALLY stinks at swaddling [bless his heart]), so they are a lifesaver. Although Darcy had an arm out of it after a nap yesterday–how??? That thing is like a straitjacket!

    • Amber says:

      She has mad talent to go along with all her good looks! We’ve transitioned to fleece sleep sacks without the swaddle part. Beckett loves to sweat which is weird, but if that’s what it takes.

  2. I think I have the only babies in the world who don’t like swaddling. Or maybe I was just never any good at it. Actually, I remember Gus LIKING it a lot. So much that he would stay awake forever, staring at me, when I swaddled him. My babies are so contrary.

    • Amber says:

      Haha so awesome! My kids never liked their arms being swaddled up after they were a few weeks old. We could sometimes get away with it for Beckett, but he mainly liked the tightness from the sleep sack. I guess that’s not technically swaddling, but if arms free + tight wrap = sleep, then I’m going with it.

  3. Great collection. Question: Does number 6 come in my size? :)

    • Amber says:

      I wish. It’s snowing here today, and I’m refusing to go out. However if I had one of those bad boys in my size, I might brave the cold. Or I’d probably just snuggle in my bed with it. That’s the more likely option.

  4. Julia@Cuckoo4Design says:

    I’m the biggest fan of sleep sacks and brought them back with me from Europe when my kids were little. They slept in them until they were toddlers that could open them. They also help with them not being able to escape from their cribs or being cold at night because they kicked their blanket off and then wake up.

  5. Beckett is such a stud. I can’t get over his cheeks! I would die without swaddle blankets. Evelyn uses hers from Beckett every day. She’s all wrapped up in love :)

  6. We suck at swaddling too and use the velcro version 😉 , although my 1st did NOT like being swaddled.
    Also for those not interested in banking their own cord blood, it is a quick and easy process to donate it!

    • Amber says:

      Great tip! I forgot about being able to donate it! Our hospital won’t allow that which I don’t understand because it’s the same process. Weird. Definitely something to look into if you aren’t going to bank it for yourself though!