If you follow us on Instagram, you know we are in the house!!! We started moving our stuff in Friday and officially closed on Monday. Y’all we are tired and all kinds of grumpy right now (and extremely stinky).
Ramona woke up at 6:30. Nick got up with her while I stayed in bed with Beckett for a while longer (until Nick came in and said get up Ramona will be late for school…keeping in real/documenting these first moments – also I don’t really care he’s a saint for letting me sleep in). Nick snapped this picture right after Beckett woke up which is nearly simultaneous to when Ramona realizes he’s up.
I wanted to show you all the *ahem* progress we’ve made so for. Above is the kitchen before.
The kitchen after…haha let me just tell you what our strategy at this point is: throw whatever you find in the correct room and break down the box. No method, just throw it. Pay no attention to the “styling” here.
Formal dining room pre move. All. The. Sexiness.
And boom what a lovely after. Okay yeah so I’m starting to think that this is the only blog post in history that is showcasing worse after pictures.
This is the only pictures I have access to right now for the living room before the move. White walls, wood floors, windows…you know the standard formula around here.
The living room after. We are going for the whole furniture graveyard vibe mixing in some cardboard boxes with trash accents. It plays nicely with the wood tones.
Ramona’s room before. (Technically this picture is of Beckett’s room, but it’s basically the same.)
Ramona added her side table and chairs for the whole tea party chic look. Then obviously the piano needed to be there. No tea party is complete without a pianist. While it started off with such promise…
Things quickly got ugly when she realized how to open boxes and take advantage of distracted parents. Somehow she managed to find the box labeled “toys with a millions pieces each” because seriously there’s tons of small parts scattered everywhere.
So there you have it friends a round up of the worst after pictures in the history of the internet. Just wanted to pop in today and let you know why things will be quiet around here. Moving with 2 kids especially a baby that’s nursing is no joke y’all. Plus we packed all this stuff up 11 months ago. I have no clue where anything is, but I do know we are not minimalist. Geez we have a ton of stuff even after the massive purge we did when we moved.
Happy Wednesday! Wish me all the luck today!

Now the fun begins. I’m getting all giddy! Can’t wait to see everything! That light fixture is so cool too.
Yes all the fun!!
you can’t help but laugh at the afters…. after a while even the best laid moving plans end up with “just put it in a box and put the box down ANYWHERE when we get there!”
I felt like it was monumental yesterday when I created a walkway. High goals here.
Ha! Hey, it’ll get there. And if it makes you feel better, I am not in the process of moving and my house doesn’t look much different right now. There is a very very good reason I am not a home blogger 😉
Haha yes it’s time like these that I realize chose the wrong blogging career path! I’m not as crafty as you are though, so my options were limited! Hang in there with your move! It will be over soon…or at least that’s what I’m keep saying as I cry myself to sleep!
ha hah a! too funny! it will be over and you will be upacked before you know it!
Fingers crossed that’s the case. It seems so far off.
Love it !
Thanks! I drew the line at posting a selfie of the hot mess I am right now. The house speaks for itself.
I am settling in for the ride
Those afters so far are so ehm special
ha ha
One room at a time and you will get there
Love the Wills Casa realness 
I probably only wrote this last night out of shear craziness. The stress an lack of sleep are messing with me!! We have such bad ADD (both of us) focusing on a room is nearly impossible. Should make for an interesting blog ride though!
I love the after pictures because they mean you have a house again! Yay house!
This is true. I keep having to remind myself of that which is really shocking considering I’ve been homeless for almost a year!! It’s the sleep deprivation. It messes with me.
I second Katja. Thanks for taking us along for the ride, and providing tons of laughs along the way. I am so excited to see how this comes together and the projects and memories that will fill the rooms. That will make it all worth it. Though, after seeing all those scattered toys, my tubes may have just tied themselves.
Haha I had to offset the first picture somehow! All the cuteness with all the chaos seems like the mantra for the moment!
Wait, so the mention of 6:30AM wake up call (weekends included) didn’t do that for you?
I love that you shared these photos! Moving sucks so much and no matter how much you try and come up with the perfect plan, crap just gets tossed everywhere. Our house looked very similar for a long time and we didn’t even have kids to move!
Haha good to know. I am feeling the pressure though. Toy mess gives me the most anxiety though. I just can’t handle it!!
Eeeeekkkk. It’s looking so good already!
It is if you can look past the chaos of boxes, trash, toys, and general disorganization of it all!
I love this. I’d pay to be a fly on the wall although this is the next best thing. You should sell tickets 😉
Heck buy a plane ticket and you’re welcome to watch it unfold live!
Put those kids to work! Ramona appears to be good at styling.
Clearly. With her and Beckett at the helm, this house will be decked out in crushed snacks, toy pieces, and spit up. Kid chic.
Yay! You’re in the house!!! I’m so excited for you guys
Yes the most important thing! We are in!!
Yay! So glad you’re in your new house! It must feel great despite all the chaos.
It can only keep getting better!
It really does feel great. We are ready for all the new house kinks to be worked out though. It just adds more stress to the chaos!!
I laughed out loud at the last picture…that is what our playroom looks like. Natalia decided (and I quote): looks like Nona has a lot of good toys to play with. My daughter is so not worried about the messes just the toys that make up the messes:) Can’t wait to see the big reveal REVEAL.
Haha well Natalia and Ava need to come check those toys out in real life! I bet those 3 girls could do some damage.
We will be making a trip in April…invited house guests or not…I have to see your chateau up close and personal!!! (Yes, so I can plagiarize…he heheh)
Nick has been telling Bo to come and stay. He said Bo doesn’t seem down with it. LOL. You are more than invited!! I will start the prep now!
P.S. I just noticed Nona reaching for the drill in the kitchen picture…omg…#freestylin’…#4yroldDIYer…
Oh my gosh! Mother of the year over here. Let me take a picture of my disaster of a kitchen for my blog while my kid plays with power tools. Goodness!
Unpacking and putting crap away is the worse. I’m glad to see Ramona so eager to help
Happy day that you are finally in your house!
Eager now there’s a euphemism if I’ve ever heard one!!