So last week (actually, the week before but who’s counting) Amber talked about the Mountain mural we did for Beckett’s Nursery.
Today I’m going to talk about the inspiration for the Ron Swanson theme and show the rest of the nursery.
Like all stories involving Ron Swanson, the story starts with meat. Specifically Meat Fight, a local BBQ competition. Local chefs compete against each other, everyone has a blast (the pic above is us from Meat Fight 2012) and all the money raised goes to the MS Society.
Last year, when they announced that the special guest judge was Nick Offerman we pretty much freaked out. I assumed that we wouldn’t really get any interaction with him, but as it turned out he pretty much just hung out. It was pretty awesome.
As he was getting some coffee from a local vendor, I walked up to get a pic with him (the one above)…. yes I got my very own Ron Swanson selfie (!!!). Immediately afterwards I asked, “Would it be weird if you took a picture with my baby?”
To which he immediately responded “Son, Life is weird.”
It was the most Ron Swanson moment ever. Beckett was totally into it.
As we were leaving, we snagged one of the limited prints for the nursery. At that moment, the theme was pretty much set.
So we’re not really into “themes,” so the theme in this case is more of a mood. We wanted a rustic, woodsy feel to the room. We wanted it to still be our aesthetic (white walls, some mid century mod pieces) mixed with a mountain man/log cabin vibe (lots of wools, plaids, antlers, etc). Of course, lots of wood tones.
Here is what we came up with.
See the stamped curtain tutorial.
We tried to keep the budget to a minimum with this project because Beckett was already 6 months old when we moved into the house.
We used a ton of things we already had (rocker, dresser, etc) and bought price conscience items for the rest (ikea crib, urban outfitters rug – $15).
Overall, we are really happy with how it turned out. See any Parks & Rec references?

I had no clue that a Ron Swanson nursery was something that I would be into. If I had to pick a favorite part, I’d say all of it.
I knew you would because Ron Swanson
oh my goodness, I love this nursery. So quirky and awesome.
Thanks Stephanie
Wow, I love everything about this nursery. I love your fresh take on everything. It looks fantastic. Now I wish I had been watching Parks & Rec and Office and I would probably get all your references, but I have to say that even without out that your nursery officially ROCKS!!!
I’ll be sure and do nothing but make Parks & Rec references when we hang out since now I know you didn’t watch it
Perfect! I’ll hit you back with some Steel Magnolia quotes
Sounds like a stellar convo
MEAT FIGHT! OH MY GOODNESS! You got to go to that, how fun! I love that you took something quirky like this and made it the theme of your nursery. It makes me like you even more 😉 Plus, it just turned out pretty fabulous…so there’s that…
ha. well, quirk is kind of our bag.
I spot lil Sebastian! I hope you know that this is my favorite nursery..ever. And I will forever be jealous that you met Nick Offerman. On a different note, where did you guys find the coffee prints?!
We picked them up at Ritual coffee in San Francisco, the week we met at alt! They were free
Fabulous! So much fabulous! When I said, “Ron Swanson nursery,” Ari had to rush right over to read over my shoulder. He’s a big fan. I love all of it, and maybe especially how you fearlessly combined an elephant and a squirrel on the same shelf. I always feel like there’s some decorating rule that animals from different continents can’t mingle (actually, are there continents without squirrels? I don’t even know. Antarctica definitely), but I think I need to start breaking that rule more!
new tagline idea: “fearlessly mixing brass animals since 2012”
this is so many levels of awesome! i love it and kinda want it for myself
no one’s judging. you can have a ron swanson nursery for just you
Dead honest, I think this is the coolest room I have ever seen. EVER.
seems a bit much, but we will take it
Sing it with me: “I…. Spy… Lil Sebastian!”
I love this nursery. It’s amazing! And I’m jealous of the fact that you met Ron Swanson (Nick Offerman, whatever… he should just assume the Ron Swanson identity full-time).
But really: your nursery is perfection!
Here’s the part that hurts the most, humans cannot ride a ghost.
i want to have a baby so i can remake this nursery in my home. or maybe jake would like it for his room- he’d love the steak pillow. it’s the BEST EVER.
the steak pillow is one of Amber’s more impressive feats
also, this nursery is so manly, you might be pregnant from just looking at it I am so jealous you met Nick Offerman and lol what an awesome response he gave you, haha. Now that you guys have your nursery up, I feel the need to finish my nursery, you helped me procrastinate- “well, wills casa’s nursery isnt up yet…” I am slacking… (she is almost 6mths)
I think you need a waffle print. #treatyoself
Leslie Knope themed nursery is the logical step here, yea?
This is the best nursery I have ever seen. In life. And the lightening bolt curtains are my fave. Best ever.
Haha. Thanks Sharon.
Genius on so many levels.
Thanks angela
Gah I’m dying!!! The dresser with the flannel… and those lightening bolt curtains… and the tin cup with the plant inside. If I was there I’d be touching and stroking it all and it would be totally embarrassing but I wouldnt be able to stop myself. Much like I can’t stop myself now!
Keep going Caroline… You’re making us feel good about ourselves
Ha, love it! It would be the perfect nursery for my vegan sister-in-law…NOT! But I totally love it
you don’t think vegans would like their baby having a giant t-bone pillow in their crib?
Oddly enough she is a huge Mark Ryden fan who has meat in his paintings all the time. I think the Meat Fight is what gets to her 😉 but it doesn’t really make any sense.
This is. Simply amazing. I mean, who can say they have a Ron Swanson nursery? Beckett, that’s who. I love the print and the pillow. And the wall is still one of my favorites ever. I truly love every detail. The curtains, the pillows, the suitcase. Just so unique and awesome. Not that I’m surprised.
Thanks Kim!
This is so amazing! I’m beyond in love with every detail (other than the steak pillow, but only because I’m vegetarian).
Where did you get the big “B” in the bathroom outside of his nursery? So much nursery envy right now!
I guess we won’t send you the meat pillow we made you then
We got the B from the flea market. Sorry Nick ignored your question. He is just stuck on the whole meat pillow business!
The creativity put into this nursery is great. Pretty sure it’s the best nursery I’ve seen in a long time. Love seeing Lil Sebastian and the giant steak. Now if only there was an anti-government baby book you would be all set.
Awe, thanks tisha! You made our day!
A less government themed kids book would have been epic!
How meaty.
I see what you did there!
Where’s the wall lamp from?
Hey Nick. The lamp is from West Elm. We got it at the outlet late last year. It was in the $20-30 range there.
Also, big fan of the work you guys are doing at scout. I stumbled on your oddly correct video a few months back while I was researching coffee shops in KC.
I was hoping you wouldn’t say someplace like West Elm($$$), and that you got it at like Target or something.
Thanks for the kind words, hit us up if you’re ever in town.
Ha. Well if you have an outlet around maybe you can score one from there… I don’t think it’s even in stores any more.
This nursery is the most perfect of all perfection. The meat pillow is definitely my favorite accent. Well done Wills. With a nursery like this, Beckett will definitely grow up loving breakfast food.
He will be able to make the most delicious breakfast in bed for his future wife…make sure to say that when you rock her to sleep! 😉
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Thank you so much for sharing this and the tutorial on how to do the mountain mural. I am absolutely in love and appreciate your generosity in sharing your knowledge! I have been searching for decals and photos for inspiration and this is by far my favorite. Just getting ready to start our nursery and I can’t wait to try this!!
Wonderful! The customization possibilities are endless with paint + frog tape. It’s responsible for pretty much all of my favorite projects.
You wouldn’t consider doing a panoramic photo of your nursery, would you? Seriously, I LOVE this and plan on copying as much of it as I can.
I can’t sorry! I wish I could! The mural is just on that one wall. The only wall that’s not photographed is just 2 doors – one to the closet and one to the hallway. I’m so glad you love it!
Ahhh! A Pawnee raccoon! Could not love this more. I plan on using your mountain tutorial to make my a manly boy’s room for my son who is totally into nature and dirt and throwing rocks. Thanks for sharing and inspiring!
How cool! He will love it!
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Love it!
Do you happen to know the paint colors?
Never mind! See it now.
Sorry I was delayed on responding! I’m guessing you found the colors on the mural how to page. Good luck!
love this, where did you find the steak pillow….i can’t get over that
I made it! I used canvas and felt for the red so it wouldn’t fray.