Another edition of weekend wants makes a blog appearance because sometimes over sharing is a good thing.
1. Sally Hansen Gel Nail Polish – The Easter bunny kindly dropped this off in Ramona’s basket. I like it when my nails are painted but hate doing it. Mainly because it never stays. Day 1: chipping begins. Day 2: nails become embarrassing and you must avoid getting them in your Instagram shots. First world problems that I have seemingly remedied with this nail polish. A full day and no chipping guys. I’ve even done dishes like twice. I love the nude color but am wearing Hunger Flames. I mean it is Ramona’s after all and punny. *affiliate links*
2. Navy Pillow – I cannot get enough of H&M pillows. I ordered a few new ones about a month ago. Then I ran across this one today. So good and so affordable. I don’t even feel guilty about my obsession with their pillows because they are just covers. When I want to change things up, I only have to store a 20×20 piece of fabric instead of a bulky pillow.
3. A Beautiful Design – Nick and I consumed the Beautiful Design series from Matt Chandler/The Village Church. It’s about God’s design for men and women. There’s a lot about marriage which was a great follow up to a marriage class we took together at our church last fall. I can’t even describe how good it is, guys. We listened to 10 sermons in 2 days. Matt’s sermons are an hour long too. We totally netflixed a sermon series. It’s a thing.
4. Kilim Dresser – Cassie is an insane talent and an incredible person all around. Her kilim dresser makes me fall in love with her guest room even more. It’s so moody, layered, and completely unique. One day I’m going to just show up at her house and claim this space as my own. You’ve been warned Cassie!!
5. Floral Heels – Nothing says spring like floral heels. I picked up this pair last week. They scream date night with my main squeeze. Fair warning they run a little small. I typically wear an 8.5 and had to go with a size 8 instead.
On a serious note, please keep my friend Hannah in your thoughts and prayers. She is scheduled to deliver sweet baby Judson via c-section today. They found out he is missing the right ventricle in his heart and will require many surgeries including one just days after birth. It’s going to be a difficult season for them. Pray for peace and faith as they begin this trying journey.

Those floral heels are gorgeous. GORGEOUS! And I will have to give that polish a try – I never paint my nails for all reasons you said, but my hands look like 1000% times nicer when they are painted. And Cassie’s dresser – just awesome. As is she
Those heels are ridiculously pretty. I’m even considering wearing them with yoga pants to see if it offsets the bum look. 😉
amber, you are welcome any time, my friend!!!! thank you so much for the shout out, and for sharing those pillows. my wallet thanks you. i love them!
Those pillows absolutely scream Bustamante to me! I might just take you up on that offer, so you better mean it!
I will fight you for Cassie’s guest room! Not really. We can take turns
I was going to say bring it, but I guess you’re right we can share. Take this post as me calling dibs though.
I have a total H&M pillow addiction. I bought almost all their velvet colored pillows. Last color was the navy velvet and they are so awesome. Of course I adore Cassie’s guest room and dresser too.
I bought a rectangular yellow velvet, a small square navy velvet one, and another floral velvet one. So good. I missed out on most of colors for velvet, so I’m seriously considering scheduling a monthly alarm to check for more H&M pillow. #addict
I’m a little late catching up on blogs. How is your friend, and the baby? I’m praying for them tonight! I hope all is well. I’m kind of an emotional wreck all the time right now, and this is really pulling at my heart.
They are doing great! Judson is adorable and has had great numbers. Since he’s been doing so awesome, he didn’t have to be immediately transported to the children’s hospital. Hannah and Cameron were able to be with him in the NICU. There is a possibility he can skip that first open heart surgery, but they won’t know until the surgeon sees him. Hannah is still in the hospital and waiting to be release so she can go be with Judson. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Glad they are doing better than expected. We will keep praying for them! <3
Thanks Kenz! They did the 1st surgery this morning, so it’s been a very long day for them. It was a whirlwind with Hannah being released then the decision to go ahead and operate yesterday.
Thanks for the reminder about H&M pillows. I blocked it out for awhile and now I want all of the new ones.
Hope your friend and baby are doing well!
Thanks Michelle. Hannah was released, and Judson had his first surgery this morning. It’s been a difficult day for them I’m sure.
I am sooooo in love with these heels! H&M pillows?!?! Who knew?!?!? I will have to investigate this more with our credit cards…hahaha…and if I spend all of our money on new pillows I am blaming you:) #busdriving #spendit
But the pillows are so cheap just cut out a cup of coffee one day! Actually I can’t recommend that because I could not follow that advice! Get the pillows and cut something else out. Toothpaste?? Too far??