To start this post I’d like to take the “If you give a mouse a cookie” approach because it’s so fitting. Sometimes you make a wreath early in the season which makes you start thinking about what you’re going to do this Christmas. This leads you to order an Advent study for you and your husband to do together because that is what you want to do the most. Then you start thinking about getting the kids involved, so you build an Advent wreath to celebrate with them. You want to do a study with them too, but they are still little and everything out there for Advent seems either too simple (Christmas story only) or too advanced (you have a toddler and a kindergartener not a pre teen). So since there isn’t anything out there, you decided to plan your own family advent study.
That is basically how we arrived here. I wanted to align my She Reads Truth Advent Study (Nick is using the same study but for men so He Reads Truth) with something my kids could study. It isn’t completely parallel, but it accomplishes the goal of a deeper anticipation for this season and its meaning.
Both of our study books are companions to what She Reads Truth (and He Reads Truth) will be posting online and on their app. If you don’t have these journals, don’t worry. You can follow along with this Advent study online without these books.
All of my content with the kids comes from The Jesus Storybook Bible (affiliate link). I cannot say enough wonderful things about this children’s Bible. It’s incredible and perfect for Advent because every story points to the coming of the Savior.
I included some discussion in the grace days (aka Saturday) to include the advent candle meanings. You can read more about that on this advent candle guide.
Hope this helps you this season!

Love this so much! We love that kids Bible too. The best. Excited to do this.
It is such a great kid’s Bible!! Glad you’re going to do it!! It’s been so great for us so far! Ramona is at a great age for it (6). Beckett is insane, but hopefully he’s getting something from it! 😉