Remember when I bought that awesome fabric for the formal dining room? I couldn’t wait to make the drapes especially after we got our bentwoods in there. I’ve made a total of 9 curtain panels for our casa so far, so what’s taking me so long to make these?? Well we wanted to do something different than a straight panel hung with clips.
Enter the problem. I wanted to pleat the drapes but had no idea how to do that. I should have just googled immediately, but I didn’t. I assumed it was going to be difficult and wasn’t in the mood for a difficult sewing project (hence the procrastination). However when you have a blog about your house, you kinda have to do projects or everyone will know how lazy you are. I found this tutorial and realized it was going to be so freaking easy like just 2 steps more than a straight panel.
I set off to Walmart to get my craft on. Yes that’s right Walmart. I actually just went for the pleater hooks but found everything I needed. This was a huge win since I don’t live particularly close to a craft store, and I had Ramona in tow.
Here’s the breakdown:
Wall Pleater Hooks 2 @ 2.97 each (I may only need 1, but if I can save an extra trip to Walmart I won’t complain.)
Regular 3-7/8″ Pleater Tape 4 yards @ 1.27 (It wasn’t on the Walmart site, but it was there.)
118″ Muslin for lining…$39.85
Total $55.07
Here’s the deal with the muslin. Walmart had 3 options: $3.97, $5.97, or $7.97 per yard. Mine is the $7.97 one. I needed 7 yard. The math doesn’t work out, but they only charged me for 5 yards. I had originally chosen muslin that was $3.97 per yard. However there was a huge defect and they didn’t have 7 yards for the $5.97 option. I didn’t want to pay $8/yard, so I asked if I could get it cheaper since I didn’t have other choices. The lady said she’d only charge me for 5 yards. It was still more than I wanted to pay, but this muslin is 118″ wide so it works better for my extra wide drapery fabric.
Long boring story = cute picture of Ramona (messy hair and all). I’m not going to lie turning massive amounts of fabric into drapes while chasing this cutie is exhausting. Worth it though. It’s nice to see things actually getting done around here. (Also cool to see our dresser on pinterest.) Hopefully, I will have the drapes up for your viewing pleasure Friday afternoon-ish.

Great picture of your sweet little girl! She is growing up too fast! We’ll have to get Ramona and Charlie together one day.
Thanks Jean! I can’t believe how big she is getting either. I’d love to get together with y’all! Ramona loves being around kids. Let me know when you have Charlie and we can meet up at the park or something!
I would love to do that. He was 2 in November and is a bunch of fun. I usually go to their Frisco home to babysit but we get him overnight sometimes. Will let you know. Enjoy your cutie.
Sounds wonderful!