October Goal Check

Our word for October was Fall. (Check out Katja too.) October is always crazy around here with 3 family birthday including our Princess. Then Halloween and sugar highs. It’s like a constant party. Of course this year we added lots of final home decisions to the mix to just completely bog us down. We will get you updated soon! Don’t worry we aren’t even close to moving in yet, so there’s no way we won’t catch up by then right?

So we hosted a Pumpkin Parade with some fabulous ladies which hello serious fall inspiration all over that link up!

PumpkinsI am fixated on black and gold at the moment. (Who isn’t?) I painted and stenciled some pumpkins to feed that design addiction.

Mainly my October was been about taking a step back from the blog to focus on these two. We celebrated Ramona’s 4th (!!!!) birthday which is like a 2 week long event. Plus we are relearning all about newborns again. Beckett is just precious even when he’s fussy (quivering frowny lips are the new thing btw), and we all just adore him especially Ramona.

For Halloween I dressed the kids as Max and Ruby. Ramona has always loved their Shopping book. I sewed Ramona’s jumper. I had no sewing scissors or straight pens, but it turned out pretty darn good. She was so excited about her costume. Of course you can tell from the picture above, Beckett really didn’t care about being Max. He may have mentioned something about not getting any candy despite his adorable costume.

November is all about being Thankful, so basically every post this month will be something I’m insanely grateful for which happens to be progress on the house. Is everyone else getting that warm and fuzzy holiday feeling?

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Reader Submission: Laminate Dresser Makeover

One of our most popular posts is how to stain and paint veneer furniture. Most of you will recognize the mid century modern dresser from nursery week since it will be Beckett’s once we finally finish the house.

I got an email from a sweet reader Liz who used the tutorial to refinish a roadside find.

Seriously someone had this dresser on the curb! I’m glad Liz was able to save it and turn it into a stunning piece of furniture for her home. Liz said:

I am still very thankful for your wonderful directions, they were very clear and easy to follow. I have gotten so many complements on the finished product! I am now on the lookout for more furniture to refinish, it was so much fun!

Thank you Liz for sharing your dresser makeover with us and for being just all around awesome.

I’m not going to lie knowing that people actually learn something from this blog makes me want to DIY something huge this weekend. Maybe I will just take on finishing the house myself. Pure adrenaline can accomplish anything right?

Have a great weekend y’all!

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Building: The Tile Roof

One of the biggest reasons we cut the upstairs was to free up enough money to get a tile roof. We longed for a cream house with a dark tile roof. We went to see our color options on the way to ice skating one Saturday.

Unfortunately they were closed. We just looked from the gate and decided we wanted the top right option on the first pallet of clay S tiles. We couldn’t read the name, so I just told my builder it was the darkest option out there. Real precise I know.

He said it was Dark Bordeaux. It’s the same tile that’s on the roof of his office building. I looked at it, and I said that doesn’t look right. It has too much brown. He said it was the darkest option we had.

I got a text about a week later asking what color the tile roof was going to be. I said check with Daniel (our builder) he knows. I was at my doctor’s office for a typical baby check up, and I just couldn’t get over the feeling that I needed to check on the tile color again.

I called the roof supply store. The lady went to check on the board for the color. It was Charcoal (right), and she told me it was a newer color choice. I texted that info along but decided to swing by the store just to double check. Sure enough Charcoal was what we wanted. Whew, seriously bullet dodged right?

Then this showed up at the house about the time I was meeting the electrician. Immediately I knew it wasn’t right. It was gray like concrete gray.

I checked the tag. Birchwood?? What?!? Of course they were just unloading the last pallet of tile roof when I showed up. At least it wasn’t going up on the roof yet. I immediately went to my builder and told him the roof was wrong. His face fell. Y’all this is an expensive mistake. And we weren’t about to just roll with the wrong roof color after we sacrificed our entire upstairs finish out for it.

Our builder got on the phone and fixed it, so up went the correct tile roof. Pretty charcoal. Here’s the bump + project picture to track the progress. (Obviously we are very behind on the house progress blogging since Beckett is now a month old!)

Yep there’s brick too. Ignore the color. Remember we are painting it!

With the tile roof and the foam insulation, the house was noticeably cooler during the last of our extremely hot Texas days. Aren’t you excited for us to move in and tell you all about how low our electrical bills are? Yeah me too.

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Pumpkin Parade Features

Y’all I was seriously blown away with  everyone’s pumpkin projects. Nearly 100 (!!!!) of you linked up. It was a lot of fun looking through the projects and people’s websites in general. Isn’t the internet great?

We decided to feature 2 projects on each of our blogs since it’s all about sharing the love and keeping the party going.

pumpkinpecanmuffinsThese Pecan Streusel Pumpkin Muffins from Chicken, Crayons, and Diapers look incredible. I don’t really care for pumpkin flavored things as a general rule. It’s true. Please don’t cast stones my way. However I’m a sucker for streusel goodies and pecan anything. I could definitely see myself eating like 5-10 of these bad boys in a sitting. Yum.

PumpkingsThe PumpKINGS by Alexis of Jacolyn Murphy are hilarious. I love her whole no carve Halloween ideas. I mean who wants to carve pumpkins anyway when you can get creative without having to deal with a moldy pumpkin later. I feel like I could really have an entire conversation with the Elvis one. It’s the sideburns. Get me every time.

See more features at:

Shift Ctrl Art  // Primitive and Proper  //  Decor and the Dog
A Little Bite of Everything  //  A Swell Place to Dwell  //  Newly Woodwards
Boxy Colonial  //  Cuckoo 4 Design  //  Wills Casa
Bliss at Home  //  Go Haus Go  //  Interiors by Kenz

2013LampsPlusBestHomeBlogDon’t forget to vote for Wills Casa for Best DIY Blog in Lamps Plus home blog contest. You could win $500 to Lamps Plus. Already voted? No big deal. You can vote every 24 hours for more chances to win a shopping spree and more chances to love on Wills Casa.

We are #17. Go vote!

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Vintage Rug and Shameless Pandering

This weekend we were consumed with birthday party prep for the princess which we can’t wait to share with you. (It wasn’t as over the top as last year, but we’ve still got some greatness lined up.)

Even with all the craziness when this beauty popped up on my facebook feed from Noteworthy Home, I drooled and dreamed and then quickly jumped all over going to see it. I mean come on priorities.

This my friends is 9 x 12 vintage Persian rug goodness. We love vintage rugs. It’s just so difficult to find large vintage rugs. If you do find one, be prepared to spend a ton of money. So want to take a guess how much we paid for it?

Wrong. We paid under $450. *Insert shocked emoji face here.* Check out how much an 8 x 10 goes for on etsy. Major steal right?

It’s in near flawless condition but has great wear to it. True we are just going to put it in our storage unit until this home building business is over, but oh when it’s over watch out. We haven’t really decided on where to put this, but we are thinking master? or formal dining? or great room? I mean we can’t really go wrong with this rug.

All around pretty good weekend score for the Wills without even really trying.


So now that we’ve warmed you up with a sexy vintage find, it’s time for some shameless pandering. We have been nominated in the Lamps Plus Best Home Blog Contest in the DIY category. We really need you to vote for us. Go to the Lamps Plus Facebook page and vote (every 24 hours…pretty please) for Wills Casa.

You could win a $500 Lamps Plus shopping spree just for voting…unless you don’t vote Wills Casa. Then you will be awarded no points and may God have mercy on your soul. Alright so I made that last part up.

Go VOTE for us!

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Pumpkin Parade Party Link Up

I want to say thank you to my fellow Pumpkin Parade hosts. I really appreciate them thinking of me for this. Check out the details of each project shown above
Shift Ctrl Art  // Primitive and Proper  //  Decor and the Dog
A Little Bite of Everything  //  A Swell Place to Dwell  //  Newly Woodwards
Boxy Colonial  //  Cuckoo 4 Design  //  Wills Casa
Bliss at Home  //  Go Haus Go  //  Interiors by Kenz

*Huge thank you to Katja for creating graphics for this party!

Now, it’s time to share your pumpkin projects!

You can link up on any of our blogs listed above. Please use a permalink and link to as many projects as you wish, as long as the posts involve pumpkins. The linky below will stay live through Tuesday. Next week, each of us will spotlight a few of our favorite projects on our blogs. We’ll also pin those projects on our shared Pinterest board.

The only rules:
1. Please share a pumpkin post – could be decor, crafts, cooking or something else.
2. Please link back to the Pumpkin Parade and at least one of our blogs.
3. Please go to at least one other blog and comment. This is what makes the parade extra fun.

Can’t wait to see your projects!

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Pumpkin Parade: Paint + Stenciled Pumpkins

Have you been checking in on the Pumpkin Parade? There is some amazing pumpkin showcasing going on, so don’t miss out. And now It’s my turn to show you my pumpkins!

Pumpkin-BeforeI started with 5 pumpkins of varying sizes. I decided we might as well stick with our love of black and brass (or gold in this case) since we are still stuck in bathroom planning mode.

Black-PumpkinsI spray painted 4 of them black, and one small one gold. I did the opposite on the stems, so black pumpkins got gold stems while the gold pumpkin got a black stem.

*At this point my parents asked what are you doing with the black pumpkins in the yard…sometimes they forget we have a blog. I didn’t answer them just to keep the suspense going.

Swiss-Cross-StencilI am pretty much obsessed with Swiss Crosses (see all of our nursery designs). I figured why not trace that onto a pumpkin. I recycled a Trader Joe’s bag to cut out the Swiss Cross then traced the cross onto the pumpkin in vertical rows with a gold sharpie. I added crosses diagonally between the rows to fill in the empty space since obviously pumpkins get bigger around the middle (don’t we all).

StencilI picked up some stencils at Walmart. I used this starburst as my other pattern.

Sparkle-PumpkinI just traced it (very sloppy) then went back and filled it in. I kinda wish I had just traced neatly and left it like this. Meh oh well.

PumpkinsI did a little hand written Boo along with a classic love initials for Nick and Amber. So romantic. I put them outside our little side door…you know of our studio apartment.

Make sure to check out Boxy Colonial and Cuckoo 4 Design for more Wednesday pumpkin inspiration.

In case you missed it on Monday and Tuesday go see what these ladies have in store for you: Shift Ctrl Art,  Primitive and ProperDecor and the Dog, Newly Woodwards, A Little Bite of Everything, and A Swell Place to Dwell. Look for pumpkin projects on Thursday from Bliss at Home, Go Haus Go, and Interiors by Kenz.

Friday is your day to link up and show us your pumpkins, so get ready!!

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September Goal Check

September was pretty life changing for us Wills. I managed to sneak in 2 posts for our monthly challenge with Katja. Although they weren’t of the DIY nature, they definitely fit into the “soft” category.

I got super personal with my post about the 3 of us and my thoughts on how things were going to change when baby #2 arrived.

We welcomed Beckett Harper on September 22nd. Yes we look like we all need some sleep in this picture. We all did. Guess what we all still need some. Ramona adores Beckett. He is such a great baby. I have blog abandonment issues right now because I’d rather hold him and watch him sleep than do anything resembling productivity.

Make sure to check out Katja’s delicious soft post.

October is all about fall around here. I have seen a ton of fall inspiration around the blogosphere already. I can’t wait to join in as best as I can…you know without having a house of my own and what not!

We are having a Pumpkin Parade this week with a link party on Friday for you to show off your fall pumpkins too!

Check out today’s pumpkin projects at

Shift Ctrl Art

Primitive and Proper

Decor and the Dog

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It’s Fall

As we’ve been busy enjoying time with our little man, fall has somewhat arrived in Texas. Bringing it’s wonderful cooler air and a blog link party. Oh so much joy!

We have teamed up with some of our favorite bloggers to host a Pumpkin Parade.   The 12 of us will be sharing pumpkin projects throughout next week. Then on Friday we will have a link up for you to show us yours!

Here are the lovely ladies that will be hosting this parade with us:

Shift Ctrl Art

Primitive and Proper

Decor and the Dog

A Little Bite of Everything



Boxy Colonial

A Swell Place to Dwell

Wills Casa

Bliss At Home

Go Haus Go

Interiors by Kenz

We have never hosted a link up at Wills Casa, and I’m kinda nerding out about it. I can’t wait to see what everyone does! The great thing is it can be anything pumpkin related. It’s completely up to your creative self! No rules (except I guess it has to be pumpkin related)! That’s how we roll around here.

Looking forward to seeing everyone’s projects through the week and yours next Friday!

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And then there were 4

Well, as you’ve probably figured out by now, the reason things have been so quiet this week is that we did indeed have our second child on Sunday. It’s a boy!

Beckett Harper Wills. Born 9/22/2013 at 3:45pm. 8lbs 2oz. 20in long.

He’s been incredibly calm and barely fussy. Amber is doing great and Ramona is really loving her new baby brother.

We hope to be back at blogging next week, but we’ll see how that goes. For now, here are some pics from the birth. Right now we’re taking some time to enjoy the new addition to our little family.




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