July Goal Check

The monthly word for July was Color! I wanted to get into some color talk on the house, but we are still hashing out ideas and wrapping our brain around things. Don’t worry we will solicit advice and keep you informed of all upcoming color decisions!

We did get the opportunity to explore the Lamps Plus Color Plus collection when we were in San Francisco. Seriously your color options are nearly endless with this line. It couldn’t get more colorful. Also we love lamp.

My partner in monthly challenge crime, Katja shared a zipper tutorial on how she selected and sewed colorful pillows for her incredible entry. Also she announced that she’s going to be in Better Homes & Gardens!!! I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more. She’s uber talented.

The word of August is inspire. I am very excited about this. August is going to be full of critically looking at inspirational images. (Don’t worry there is a ton of original content that will be here as well.) There are so many home building decisions on the horizon for us, so we have to start thinking of those small design decisions that will be made. Plus Katja, me, and some of your blog favorites have a little something up our sleeves to inspire…coming to the internets late August.

Here’s to August and my last full of month of being pregnant. What?!? Yeah guys it’s getting real crazy around here.

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Fashion Friday: Pattern Play

We are kicking off a new series with Fashion Fridays where I attempt to curb my desire to purchase outfits and home stuff by curating them on the interwebs instead. Fun right?

Blazer / Polka Dot Top / Neon Striped Skirt / Tassel Necklace
Leopard Clutch / Sunglasses / Patent Shoes

Striped Tee / Bow Headband / Biker Jacket
Polka Dot Jeans / Elephant Necklace / Leopard Flats

*Everything but the jacket is under $20! Stylish and on budget!

Wallpaper / Gallery Wall (ours) / Couch
Pillows / Saarinen Table / Floor / Rug
Coffee Table (Desert Domicile)

Enjoy your weekend!


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I Love Lamp

So after Alt SF was over, Amber and I snuck into the Lamps Plus party celebrating their new color plus collection. The whole way there we were prepping ourselves saying “Be cool. Be cool. They won’t know we don’t belong unless we tell them.” (Maybe we were actually invited, but we like to keep our underdog edge).

The party was hosted by the super sweet and mega-talented Anne Sage along with the awesome Lamps Plus crew (shout out to Michael and Ivette).

The display showed off the new line of lamps called color plus. I’ll give you the cliff notes version of how it works: there’s a ton of awesome lamps and you get to customize based on a ridiculously huge color selection. Seriously, the amount of options in this line is obscene (in a good way, 1luv lamps plus). I was really digging the blue one in the back.

The party also gave us a chance to get some more quality time with other bloggers. Here’s Amber chatting with Jessica of Live the Fancy Life (Wills Casa officially declared ourselves blogging besties for resties with Jessica last week, though we’re really not all that into labels) and Laurel from A Bubbly Life. I’m not super sure what was going on here, but I’m pretty sure Jessica was saying something like “You need more color!” or “I’ve had too much coffee, I mean look how big this cup it!”

Amber Edit: Clearly Jessica is taunting us with coffee since Laurel and I are both pregnant. It was mean, but I still love her.

Also there was food (of course). Amber said these cupcakes were boss. I thought it was weird when she stuck a bunch of extras in her purse for the flight home, but I went with it. Hey, we never said we were classy.

As we were leaving, we got a lamps plus swag bag. Inside the bag was a gift certificate for store credit at lamps plus. Definitely awesome! The new house is in dire need of great lighting. They didn’t ask for anything in return (didn’t even ask us to write this post for example), but I thought I ‘d show some of the fixtures I’ve been digging on on the Lamps Plus site lately:

1 – Monaco Blue Ovo Floor Lamp  2 – Cream Fabric Drum 3-Light  3 – Rosemary Green Apothecary Table Lamp  4 – Jonathan Adler Meurice Brass Chandelier  5 – Jonathan Adler Parker Ceiling Light  6 – Cosgrove Table Lamp  7 – Draper Desk Lamp  8 – Jonathan Adler Rio Pendant Light

So many incredible choices when we need to light an entire house. The possibilities are endless. Any favorites? I know Amber was digging the lucite lamp base with hot pink at the party.

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Windows…Who Knew

Before we headed to Alt, we had a meeting about exterior doors and windows. I was thinking oh no biggie I mean our plans are drawn this will take 30 minutes or so. Basically I knew where I wanted windows (thanks floor plan) and that we need to do vinyl windows or our budget was screwed. I never knew there would be a 3 hour meeting where we examined every window/exterior door in the plan and made all these decisions about things we just really hadn’t ever thought about.

(FYI our builder has a lady Brenda who sits in on all these meetings to make sure we go over everything. She’s incredible and definitely gets us all on the same page…and on budget. It makes the custom home thing much easier.)


Let’s start with the one window that I have thought about, so I can at least give myself some credit for not being completely clueless. Obviously the kitchen window has played the biggest part in our floor plan and what I just can’t get over. I showed the picture to our window consultant, so there would be no confusion on what I wanted.

He said well that’s going to be extremely expensive. Cue me tearing up. Okay so maybe not real tears but definitely a heart dropping, sad face kind of reaction. Here were our options.

We could put a sliding window in. It’s a vinyl window which is in budget, but it won’t open fully. However we can still use this kitchen window as a pass through.

Or do custom wood windows with a crank. It would be 2 windows together that opened on the left side and right side by turning a knob like the window version of a french door. The opened windows would stick out on both sides like you see in the right picture. Once it’s painted, you won’t be able to tell that this window is wood and the others are vinyl. It is significantly more expensive (still don’t have an exact number), but it gives us a similar look to what we wanted.

We said fine let’s go with the custom wood window (barring of course complete sticker shock once we get the final number). If we are honest with ourselves, we won’t open the window, so it’s not a huge deal that they would stick out on both sides instead of just one like the inspiration window.

Onto the next part where we learn to actually read a floor plan. The red arrows are pointing to 2 windows that are installed side by side. It will look like a bigger window but have a larger dividing line where the 2 meet. The blue arrows are pointing to space between windows that will be bricked between. You have the look of multiple windows, but they are divided.


In real life, the red arrows on the plan would look like this. You have to imagine it with better decor, but you get the idea.


In real life the blue arrows would look something like this from the inside with brick separating them on the outside. We are planning on casing all the windows like you see here.

We didn’t even realize there was a difference in the plans. We just wanted double windows (or as many windows as we could squeeze) in every room. We decided to make all the double window combinations look like the blue arrow ones. Budget wise there is no difference or not enough to matter. We think having the separation with the brick on the outside and the casings on the inside will make it more architecturally interesting.

Small things that I’m sure we will appreciate later. I mean when do you ever think about details like this. We are immersed in homes and still haven’t considered details this minuscule.

**Update: A friend of mine informed me that going this route will also make it easier when we purchase blinds. Plus it’s easier to tilt/raise/lower and less likely to bow in the middle or have problems later the smaller they are.

Now a design question for you…


Should we go with divided light windows like you see above?


Or clear panes of glass?

What do you think? Preference? Negligible? Who cares build the darn house already?

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It’s Our Pile of Dirt

Let’s talk about our pile of dirt. After we picked our lot, designed out house (inside and out), met with our builder, realized we were poor and cut stuff, we were finally ready to get the ball rolling. We gave our builder the down payment on June 6th.

On June 26 (longest 20 days of my life), we finally broke ground. I pulled up to the lot and saw a pile of trees that were cleared from the middle of the land.

You know who else was happy? This girl. She was slightly terrified of the bulldozer at first. I assured her that it wouldn’t move. Then she was all game.

Here’s the lot cleared from the back of the property – not the very back but just to where they stopped clearing the trees and cactus. It was so exciting to see progress!

I walked the lot with the builder the next day to talk about where the house should be placed. There is a house built to the right, but nothing to the left. However someone owns 2 lots to the left and has plans drawn but isn’t doing anything at the moment.

We decided to build 7 feet from the left property line (which is the closest the subdivision will let you build from your property line) and 41 feet from the right property line. We are more than 41 feet from our neighbors to the right. The builder knows that the people who own the lots to the left aren’t building close to our property line since they have 2 lots to build on. Plus we have a nice tree buffer there.

As you can see from our top picture, there’s a nice drop off at the front of our lot, so we are building 20 feet from the top of the lot. It will be a small front yard, but that’s fine most of our activity will be in the back yard since we don’t want our kids rolling off the front of the lot anyway. We were able to keep some trees and brush there too.

We went to Nashville with a clear lot wondering what would be done while we were gone. We came back to the cleared lot with 5 foot piles of dirt everywhere. They covered the entire space. They sat there for 4 days before…

The bulldozer flattened it out again. It’s been a grueling start. One that is testing my already limited patience. Things are starting to move, and I’m sure they will move quickly from now on. I think the hold up was the bank. Our builder is carrying the financing until the house is finished then we will close with our lender. A one time close on a custom build is a rare thing. Most lenders don’t do them anymore. This was the easiest route, so I guess we are ok with the slow start. It’s just hard since this is also the least interesting part of the process too. I just want to see some walls.

So there is our timeline and how our pile of dirt has transformed into a cleared pile of dirt with more dirt on top.

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Alt San Francisco Recap Amber Edition

Nick recapped his experience at Alt as a man surrounded by trendy women (sounds dreadful doesn’t it?). I will share my perspective from being 30 weeks pregnant not able to party but still having a great time. Here are some highlights in case you still need to be convinced that it is as amazing as everyone always says it is.

You get to meet the people you read all the time! I got to meet one of my favorite bloggers Reichel of Copy Cat Chic who also happens to be pregnant. I’ve been a long time reader of hers and y’all she is incredibly sweet. We had dinner with Victoria of sf girl by bay (thanks Acura) and met a ton of bloggers we’ve been influenced by for years.

Also I can’t tell you how amazing the people you meet will be. It’s wonderful to be surrounded by people who are just as crazy as you are about spilling their guts on the interwebs.

You learn about the Business of Blogging – no matter what stage your blog is in part time, full time, or needing capital for the next phase. Here are some points that stuck with me:

  • Be thoughtful about your time.
  • Don’t be afraid to reach out.
  • Never think of yourself as small.
  • Spend money to make money (I feel like I have the spending money thing down, but it’s good to have experts back me up.)

My favorite speaker was definitely Rena Tom on Roadblocks, Detours, and Potholes. First she shares Nick’s goal of opening a hotel. Then she shows her knowledge of Blooms Taxonomy that made my former teacher self giddy. It was all up hill from there.

  • When you hit a creativity roadblock and think “nothing is original,” the solution is to accept it, internalize it, and move on. MAKE IT YOUR OWN.
  • You’re the driver, so embrace detours and investigate potholes.
  • Be in the world. Proximity stimulates productivity.
  • Talk to everyone about what interests you.
  • Don’t be afraid to change your mind.

You get to do incredible things like have an Alice in Wonderland party at the Pinterest headquarters. Yeah that happened. We met Ben the creator of Pinterest. It was all so awesome that it didn’t even bother me everyone else was drinking it up while I stuck with some cucumber infused water.

The main thing for us was we had the opportunity to really talk through our vision for the blog. I am so lucky that I have Nick to participate in nerdy blog talks with semi-regularly, but Alt took that conversation and elevated it. We were able to define our purpose, understand our roles, and explain our story just by talking with like minded people.

I will share those thoughts with you eventually, but I cannot possibly make you read another sentence!

*The photos that clearly aren’t taken from a phone are from Alt’s flickr account and made possibly by alty. Also I took a group pic from Jessica’s instagram.

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ALT San Francisco recap (Nick’s side)

A couple of months back when Amber and I started talking about going to the alt summit in San Francisco I wasn’t immediately sold on the idea. It did have 2 things going for it. First, if you’ve ever seen pics of any of the other alt summits, it looks like a blast. Secondly, it was being held in San Francisco (somewhere I’d been wanting to visit badly). There was only one downside to it, though it was a big one to me, it appears to be a really cool blogging conference…. for women (sad trombone). They don’t market it that way, but that was how I was feeling.

Thanks Michael Miller for the Photo

In the end, I decided I was okay with it. In this home blogging world we live in, where 98% of our readership is female, it appears that any blog conference we would go to would be dominated by women anyways, and alt looked like a really good time. There’s just not a ton of fellas out there unfortunately (Side Note: about 50% of the time when I would talk to someone and say “My wife, the one with the baby belly, and I blog about our hou…” before I could finish my thought they’d say “Oh you mean like Young House Love!” I would nod and say “yea exactly like them, but… like…. without pageviews”)

Me, Christine, and Ralph via Christine’s Instagram

So here’s the crazy part… being the only male blogger there (there were some other dudes there, but they all seemed to be from companies or with alt itself) ended up working in my favor. One of the other guys made the comment to me “How many times in your life, as a white male, do you get to be in the minority?” and he was totally right. I honestly think I probably enjoyed the conference more than Amber (she may argue, but don’t listen to her… she’s on drugs).

Court, Christine, Amber + baby, Me

The conference itself was intense and by the end we were both exhausted (in a good way). Here are some more of my take aways in no particular order:

  1. We met a lot of great bloggers there. All of the ladies there were seriously sweet.  These ladies were some of my faves: Court, Christine and Jessica.
  2. The ladies didn’t mind me striking up random conversations with them even though I’m a total creeper (I can’t help that I’m a mouth-breather and my preferred method of transportation is a window-less van).
  3. The sponsors at the event were incredible. All of them. Wednesday night we went to dinner with the crew from Acura. Seriously an amazing group of people and a pleasure to meet with (shout out to Chuck from Acura… the other male at the dinner). If you’re reading this, you should buy an MDX.
  4. Being the only male meant I didn’t have to compete with how well the women dressed to this thing. News flash: Turns out bloggers are mega stylish.
  5. The Fairmont hotel was amazing and a fantastic venue for alt.
  6. I never understood conventions before (like when people go to them for their jobs), but I totally get it now. I would never have imagined how motivated we would be coming out of alt.

Well, that’s about it. I’m not sure when we’ll be able to go again, with a newborn coming in a couple of months, but we will definitely attend the next one that we are able to. Hopefully some other couples/men read this and more start attending as well, it’s worth getting out of your comfort zone fellas. I promise.

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Live from San Francisco and our first business cards

If you’ve been following along with our instagram feed (why haven’t you, silly?), you know that we are in San Francisco this week for Alt Summit.

Above is the view from our room at the ridiculously swanky Fairmont Hotel. This place is so nice it’s bonkers. We’re really excited to be here and are trying to explore the city as much as we can in our down time.

So getting prepared to come to alt meant another milestone for us: new business cards. Below is what I came up with.

The front I designed with the new Wills Casa logo that I’ve been sitting on for a while (hopefully at some point I will make time to do a full redesign on the site and be able to use it here). The back is a scan of a vintage swedish floral print that I found.

Here’s a picture of the finished product. I did some gold foil accents, which I think added to the whole “Modern granny chic” vibe we were going for.

If you’re at alt too, please come up and say hello. I apologize in advance for how akward I am.

What do you guys think? Did I do alright? I hope so, cause I’ve got a ton of these mothers to pass out.

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June Goal Check

It’s mid July, and I’m just now posting about June goals. Really? I’ve been thinking about how this yearly goal thing isn’t working for this season of my life. When I set the goals I thought there might be a chance we would be moving and having a baby. I didn’t realize both would happen so quickly and also simultaneously. Plus I got a job. Did not see that one coming.

So forgive me and let’s not talk about it again.

via here and here

However, I am loving my monthly challenges with Katja especially since I get to pause from the structural/boring parts of building and think about design. Last month was pattern, and you can read all what I’m thinking about for patterns in the new house. Also did you see Katja’s entry?


It’s seriously incredible. I’m trying to see if I can barter a free plane ticket to DFW for Katja to come and design my house. Think of all the projects and IKEA hacks we can do…just think about it.

This month we are tackling color. Of course I won’t be painting anything since I currently still own a pile of dirt, but I want to start exploring and gathering your opinions on some color choices we are considering. I have a feeling there’s going to be lots of opinions about door/trim color which I can’t wait to hear.

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Tough Decisions Ahead

So picking back up on our dramatic start to this whole building thing, our bid was very much over our target price. To be fair some of this was because builders bid everything to the max to start off with, so the homeowners decide what the priorities are. We did come in at our target price, but we slashed a ton of things that left us feeling pretty uneasy that night.


Then we had an idea. (Our ideas can be represented with an Edison bulb because we’re hipsters ha!) We decided to not finish the upstairs. We are still building the upstairs – framing, bricking, etc. – but we aren’t finishing it yet.

Why is this genius?

  • It put us under budget, so we could then pour that money back into some of the areas we made cuts to before.
  • It gives us the opportunity to DIY later, so we still have a project house. It’s just an entirely different kind of project house.

But mainly…

All that space that’s labeled unfinished can be finished into something when we decide to tackle the upstairs. We are paying significantly more for that unfinished space and with this option we actually get to utilize that space eventually.

We need to rework the upstairs floor plan now since we are going to run the plumbing up there. I’m not sure exactly what it will look like, but we are thinking of throwing a library up there. We are just trying to make the rooms have their own space, so you aren’t walking through a bedroom to get to the library…that would be weird.

When we think about the upcoming year for our growing family, we realize there won’t be much upstairs action happening with a newborn anyway. (Let’s be real I won’t be letting the baby leave my sight.) There is plenty of square footage downstairs. We will have all our primary living spaces and bedrooms finished. We don’t mind tackling big projects like the entire upstairs of the new Wills Casa, but it’s such a relief that we can do that at our leisure (whatever that is) and away from our wildly curious toddler and new baby.

It’s like the best of both worlds – a new build and a huge DIY project. Plus we saved a nice chunk of money…which may or may not already be spent. Regardless we are right on budget (for now).

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